Micro Expression Test

in microexpresii •  7 years ago 


Hello evreboddy !

how are you on that micros expression think ?

I love to see people and just analazing what are they ghoing true ! Traing to figuri it all out by the face they are making !

The funn part is that we have exemples, and test to encress ouer way of seeing things !anger.jpg

We all are angry some times, the ideea is to study you face and then see it in others . Uss all the sorceses that you have to become a better you !

Surprize surprize, is not gone to be eazy, and you are in deed to be surpriz how good is to know things , you dont uselei see them everyday !


Ther is nothing to be afraind from !Only that you dont want to know the real truth about a person, when she is talking to you


If is not showing resoluts, do not feel contempt about it, it will come in time, after you lern a few things about people and life it self !

Probably the best thing that you will ever lern, is when peopel ar digust by someting, and you cand rede it on ther face, it will help you a lot !

Without Sadnes ther wod not be a Hapiness to talk aboudit and that scars me to death ! i can not see my life without hapiness, but i wood not know what that is if, sadnes udent be !

Clik this link below, and practixe you re Micro expresion riding !


Peace and Love


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