I write from different perspectives

in microwrite02 •  last month  (edited)

Task 1

میں بے یار و مددگار ہوں، ایک طوفانی بھنور میں پھنس گئی ہوں، اکیلی اور مجبور۔ طوفان کی لہریں مجھے نگلنے کو تیار ہیں۔ میں کوئی ملکہ نہیں ہوں جس کی مدد کے لیے دوسری چیونٹیاں بھاگی چلی آئیں گی۔ میرے بازو تھک کر سوج گئے ہیں، اور میری تمام حسیں ختم ہو رہی ہیں۔ اب کنارے تک پہنچنا ناممکن لگتا ہے، لیکن میں کوشش کرتی رہوں گی۔ میں بے نام نہیں رہوں گی؛ شاید کہ کوئی میرے مردہ جسم کو جب کنارے پر دیکھے تو میری جُرأت کو تسلیم کرے، مجھے دفنانے سے پہلے۔

I'm desperate, caught in a whirlpool, alone and without support. The storm’s waves are ready to consume me. I am no queen for whom other ants would come to the rescue. My arms are swollen from struggling, and my senses are fading. Reaching the shore feels impossible, but I will still try. I refuse to remain nameless; perhaps someone will see me, bury me, and acknowledge my courage when they find my lifeless body on the shore.

Task 2:

میری ہمت مند چیونٹی
میں نے تمہیں پرواز کرتے ہوئے دیکھا، لہروں سے بےخوف لڑتے ہوئے، بہادری کی اعلیٰ مثال ہو تم۔ پتہ نہیں جب میرا یہ خط تمہیں ملے تو تم اس دارِ فانی میں ہو گی بھی یا نہیں... لیکن میں امید کرتا ہوں کہ تم بےخطر کنارے تک پہنچ جاؤ۔ اور اگر نہ بھی پہنچ پائی تو یاد رکھنا، تمہاری بہادری کا قصہ لکھنے اور سننے والے ہزاروں ہوں گے، اور تم مر کر بھی امر ہو جاؤ گی۔ ہاں، یہ بھنورہ تم سے وعدہ کرتا ہے، کیونکہ کئی بار اس نے ایسی صورتِ حال کا مقابلہ کیا ہے، اور اب میں جلدی سے کوئی پناہ تلاش کر لوں، اس سے پہلے کہ میں کسی بھوکے مینڈک کا نوالہ بن جاؤں۔ لیکن ایک راز کہوں؟ میں کئی بار اس شکاری کی گرفت سے بچ چکا ہوں۔ ہمت رکھو ۔

خوشگوار محبت کے ساتھ

My Brave Little Ant,

I saw you while I was soaring through the air, fearlessly battling the waves; you are a shining example of courage. I don’t know if this letter will reach you while you are still in this fleeting world, but I hope you reach the shore safely. And even if you do not arrive, remember that there will be thousands who will write and tell the tale of your bravery, and you will become immortal even in death.

Yes, this little bumblebee promises you that, because it has faced such situations many times before. Now, I must quickly find some refuge before I become a meal for a hungry frog. But let me share a secret: I’ve escaped from the clutches of this predator many a times. Stay strong!

With Buzzing Affection,
The Bumblebee

Task 3:

یہاں وہ چیونٹی دفن ہے جس نے طوفان کا بے خوفی سے سامنا کیا۔ اس نے لہروں کا مقابلہ جرات سے کیا اور بہادری کا ایک ورثہ چھوڑا۔ اگرچہ اس کا سفر ختم ہو گیا ہے، اس کی کہانی ختم نہیں ہوئی، کیونکہ اس کا جذبہ ان سب کو متاثر کرتا ہے جو اسے سنتے ہیں۔

Here rests the ant who faced the storm fearlessly. She battled the waves with courage and left a legacy of bravery. Though her journey has ended, her story hasn't, because her spirit inspires all who hear it.


The Desperate Ant

In this perspective, I felt an overwhelming sense of isolation and struggle. The image of being caught in a storm or a labyrinth brings feelings of fear and desperation. The ant's fight shows that vulnerability can overshadow our strength. Still, there is a determination to be remembered. This reminds me that even in our darkest times, it's important to seek recognition and leave a lasting impact. It highlights our need to be seen and to create something meaningful beyond our lives, especially for someone like a worker ant. As I mentioned in the first task, narrated from the ant's perspective: "I am no queen for whom other ants would come to the rescue." This reflects the struggle of an ordinary person in seeking recognition, being seen, and heard.

The hopeful Bumblebee

The bumblebee serves as a contrasting voice of hope and encouragement. It observes the ant’s struggles from above and offers support. This perspective brings optimism, reminding us that even in tough times, there are those who see our courage. The bumblebee's promise that the ant's bravery will be remembered inspires me to appreciate resilience and the value of community. It shows that our stories, no matter how they end, can inspire others and last beyond our lives.

The Legacy of the Brave Ant

The final narrator captures the essence of legacy and courage. It emphasizes that the end of one journey doesn't mean our influence is over. The ant's bravery inspires others and shows the strength found in facing challenges. This perspective reminds us that finding resolution in our struggles isn’t just about survival; it’s about the stories we leave behind. It encourages us to think about how our actions and bravery can uplift others long after we’re gone.

The Importance of Reaching the Shore

To me, trying to reach the shore signifies giving your best and trusting nature to take care of the rest!

@solperez, This is my favourite part of the story!


These images were created using Microsoft Bing AI with prompts provided by @joslud and inspired by the artwork of @tezzmax.

I have not provided any translations; rather, I have included both Urdu and English versions of my stories. I speak English as my second language, as our curriculum and literature have been taught in this language.

Therefore, my texts in English are original compositions rather than translations. This is why my "reflections" are exclusively in English, as managing the Urdu editor for lengthy texts is beyond my capacity.

Edit: Links to the comments made so far to the peers:





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Saludos, @soulfuldreamer, en el texto 1 abordas varios temas interesantes: La discriminación. La hormiga protagonista está en peligro de morir. Pero siente tristeza, porque siendo una hormiga "normal". Es decir, una más del montón, ninguna otra hormiga se arriesgará a salvarla. Obviamente, esto no le pasaría a una "hormiga reina". Al respecto, surge una pregunta: ¿Todas las hormigas son iguales? No. ¿Y los humanos? Menos, jeje. # Otro tema interesante desarrollado en este microrrelato es la perseverancia. La hormiga, contra todo pronóstico, decide luchar por su vida, y desea que su actitud de lucha pueda inspirar a otras hormigas a nunca darse por vencidas, ni en los casos más extremos. Además, ella tiene necesidad de "reconocimiento", y desea que alguien dé constancia de todo el esfuerzo que ha hecho para sobrevivir. ¿Es malo desear ser ejemplo de perseverancia? NO. (83 palabras)

En el texto dos, se cumple el deseo de la hormiga del texto 1, porque un abejorro la mira luchar por su vida, y siente admiración por ella. Por eso escribe una carta en la que le hace saber que nunca nos debemos dar por vencidos, ni siquiera en las peores circunstancias. Por otro lado, el abejorro habla de las adversidades que también ha enfrentado para sobrevivir. Significa que todos los seres vivos, a nuestra manera, atravesamos tempestades, que no siempre logramos superar. Por ello, es bueno "colocarnos en el lugar de los demás". (128 palabras)

En la tarea 3, se evidencia que la hormiga ha fallecido, y el epitafio dice: "Murió luchando por vivir". Esto me hizo recordar a los pacientes oncológicos que nunca se rinden, ni en los peores momentos. El mensaje es, sin duda, alentador. (40 palabras)

En lo que respecta a las reflexiones, me gustó que abriste tu corazón no solo para hablarnos de la hormiga y del abejorro, sino para hablarnos de ti, de lo que piensas y sientes como ser humano. Me conecté mucho con tu visión de mundo. Es más, te sentí cerca de mí. De ahora en adelante, seres dos amigas hormigas. Un abrazo.


From now on, we will be two ant friends. A hug.

I would like that ❣️

Thanks for your feedback :)

Un abrazo.

  ·  last month (edited)


Update: Fri Nov/08/24

Dear @soulfuldreamer

We want to acknowledge your effort in writing in a language that is not your own. As your teachers in this course, we value your willingness to learn under these conditions.
You receive 0.35 extra points, to balance the language barriers.

OVERALL SCORE: 9 pts + 0,35 pts (bonus): 9,35 pts

Hi, @soulfuldreamer

I am sharing a brochure with your creations. This format is for you to share on your networks.
Check if you see any errors that need to be corrected, let me know.

I invite you to join this group on Facebook where you can post it yourself.


Thank you so very much joslud.

Beautifully written! I love how you capture various perspectives with such depth and emotion. Your words truly resonate—thank you for sharing this inspiring piece

Hi, @junaidahmed

Beautiful comment, thank you.
You are cordially invited to participate in these short writing challenges,
The tag this week is: #microwrite02
next week it will be: #microwrite03

We look forward to seeing you.

This is really beautiful to read. in just few words, you were able to tell a story that resonate with a lot of people using this ant.

I love the task 2 a lot. There are moments we all need people like that to encourage us to keep pushing forward and not to give up.

Indeed, we all need to be brave to survive this storms of life

Attention: @sbamsoneu

Dear friend

What have you done?
How I would like to continue reading your stories, you have excellent prose.
You know you can come back.
I left you a message in your post from the first week, it would be great to hear your views on it. 🙏

Thank you 😊

✅ 4
Good comment focused on the story.
I didn't find any suggestions to improve anything in the story.

Best regards to you @soulfuldreamer,

I have to admit that you've come up with some great images of ants.

When I got into the story, I really wanted to tell the desperate ant that trying to get out of a difficult situation wrapped in a sense of hopelessness will not give maximum results. And one thing I also want to emphasize to him is that nothing is impossible. Yes, our job as creatures is only to try, but we need to maintain trust and positive thinking.

About the bee, he is like a true motivator, who has wisdom and maturity in addressing life's problems. And having a great sense of caring for the ants, I think the bee became the main character in the second story.

Then how about the end of the brave ant, yes I totally agree, courage will inspire and something very valuable to pass on.


@joslud @solperez

✅ 2

Good comment.

"I think the bee became the main character in the second story."

What can you suggest to him so that this doesn't confuse the unsuspecting reader?

Thank you for your feedback.

I think the bee became the main character in the second story.

It was required in the task...

  1. Second person: The narrator talks to the protagonist who lives the story. They are different and the narrator seeks to “put himself in their shoes”.

Write a letter of no more than 150 words to your ant, expressing understanding, empathy, solidarity and telling him/her about a personal experience in which you managed to get out of a similar situation.

I would say that while the story is ours, it is shaped by the guidance we receive from teachers. Therefore, readers should approach it with a critical eye and read it 'subjectively'.

Thank you for bringing up this point; it gives me the opportunity to clarify any ambiguity.

cc: @joslud

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

Ser valiente es la actitud que todos deberíamos adoptar. Siempre he pensado que los animales suelen ser un excelente maestro para aprender dicha valentía y, en este caso enfocándonos a la hormiga, sin duda alguna es un insecto que transmite esa tenacidad porque ellas saben cuando salen pero, todo el caos que se enfrentan mientras están buscando el alimento o los materiales que usarán para hacer el hormiguero, las lleva a un peligro terrible.

La hormiguita de tu historia siempre será una gran heroína y, aunque se sentía cansada, aturdida e incluso, me atrevería a decir que presa; fue una guerrera valiente.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚


@solperez @joslud

Thank you for your feedback.

There is much we can learn from animals, even the smallest of insects. The Almighty crafted them with such wit and finesse. Just now, I witnessed two crows cleverly plotting to steal a chicken from a cat in my home. They are remarkably intelligent creatures, and above all, they know how to navigate the harsh realities of survival in this unforgiving world.

Good luck to you too 🍀

Like the ant and the rubber tree plant song, High Hopes!

  ·  last month (edited)

You know I always admire your creativity and this one is no exception. It's not easy to think out of the box especially when the subject is an ant. One can think and write long comments but writing on such a topic is not easy so hats off to you even if I am not wearing a hat right now.

#microwrite02 @joslud @solperez

What a surprise :)))

Thank you Dev!

It's mighty generous of you?

Off the topic: Are you following the current season of Indian Idol? I am a fan of this show. Arts knows no boundaries ❣️

Are you following the current season of Indian Idol? I am a fan of this show. Arts knows no boundaries

I used to watch this show but no more. No, I am no longer watching any reality shows 'cause I feel these shows exploit talented artists in their own interest. Sorry, but that's how I feel about all these shows.

You are right... But it's a good time pass.

Plus it brings back so many memories. Nostalgia!

And also, for the last two seasons, Shreya has been one of the judges. I like her quite a lot.

Comentario 1 : ✅

✅ 1
You comment well on the post.
And we also look for you to offer some kind of suggestion from your perspective to improve, if not in the story, then in the publication in general.
For example, I would look at how the size of the images overshadows both the text in Urdu and in English.
What do you think?

For example, I would look at how the size of the images overshadows both the text in Urdu and in English.

Do they? I hadn't thought about it like this! I will think about it in future...

Thanks for the feedback!

This post is a work of fiction tasked for writers by @joslud



Would you like to join, @event-horizon, @sbamsoneu, @aminasafdar?

I found it quite interesting! It really does give you a unique perspective...

Read it and ponder: Who Tells The Story

Interesting initiative 👌

Abhi ap jese talented logo ko hi dkhoun shyd👧


Thanks, I got a nice hint for future assignments.