I'm hearing both Republicans and Democrats claim victory.

in midterm •  2 years ago 


Both progressive and moderate Democrats. Both traditional and Trump Republicans.

I'm not sure what to make of it.

Historically, midterms usually bring big gains to the opposition party, particularly Republicans. And extra especially when the economy is suffering. But I'm not seeing any dramatic power realignments. At best, it was a modest Republican victory.

On the other hand, Democrats seemed to have more energy than usual this year, following Roe's overturning and whatnot. Many Democrat friends seemed more enthused than usual. Yet, from what I've seen, the only REAL Democratic gain was flipping that Senatorial seat to the Frankenstein Monster looking dude in Pennsylvania. That's it.

From where I'm sitting, it looks like things are pretty much the same.

The poor economy didn't enrage Republicans to greater turnout.

Overturning Roe didn't turn this into an especially strong midterm for Democrats.

Stagnation remains. Everything is the same.

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