Dear Steemit community,
I am doing my very best to avoid using YouTube. I am known as "Poptheb", I live in Switzerland in the centre of Western Europe. I am extremely concerned about the migrant crisis. Millions of young men, mostly muslim, invited by Merkel, who expect that we should adapt to their political belief system i.e. Islam. This is very concerning for the future of Western civilisation.
I own a small business, and have also enjoyed investing for over 20 years. I was lucky to get into Bitcoin in 2013, hence I invest in Cryptos, but I also enjoy investing in the mining industry. I am, what some may call, a "Gold Bug", as I believe that central banks have changed our financial system in ways that will have devastating consequences sooner or later.
I look forward to joining the free Steemit community.
Freedom of Speech and Freedom are high on my list of things worth fighting for.
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