Preoccupation with new discoveries and "quick fixes" focuses attention away from the need for a healthy lifestyle and well-balanced diet. The best sources to get your vitamins and minerals are from fresh, whole foods. They're packed with the things your body needs for good health. Megadoses of supplements can be toxic. Don't upset your body's natural balance by taking too much of a good thing.
Relax and Enjoy
All fresh fruits, whole grains, and vegetables provide an abundance of nutrients. If you eat a variety of these foods everyday, your need for vitamins, minerals, and fiber is easily met.
Your Challenge
Put a permanent check mark next to broccoli on your shopping list. One cup of this leafy green vegetable, cooked has 165 percent of the RDA for vitamin C, 50 percent for vitamin A, 20 percent for calcium, plus iron, B vitamins, potassium, and other minerals.