A big misconception

in milenials •  7 years ago 

I believe that cryptocurrencies and bitcoin mining have had a big impact over 2017 and will have a bigger impact in 2018. But this impact isn't going to be as positive. right now cryptocurrencies are being portrayed as a get rich quick scheme and not a profitable job (as it is a job, not a game)and if the media and its users keep portraying it like this then it will become a get rich quick scheme to the masses. Now to the misconception, it isn't easy it is very hard. as a 14-year-old who has had everything handed to them over the years, this came as a shock how hard it was. I'm not used to working for anything and if I wanted something I would beg or plead for it. But after experiencing how hard this was I have changed my whole outlook on life, I understand now that what I just get is the product of months or even years of work, and for me just to beg like a wimpy teenager is not ok, so in a way I have to thank cryptocurrencies and thank my parents for all they have done and I encourage other "youngsters" like me to do the same.

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