200 Days, 1500+ Followers, Plans for the New Year Ahead, and Thoughts on the One Behind (Free Photography Print Give Away, Too)

in milestones •  7 years ago 

I don't really love the idea of milestone posts, and yet...

      Here we are. This year has started with a bang for every Steemian, new and old alike. Prices are up across the board, projects are launching and accelerating, big changes are on the horizon, and more people than ever are becoming aware of what it means to contribute positively to the platform, vote for witnesses mindfully, and participate in the community meaningfully. The past year has shown us a lot of nasty and difficult as well, but for the purposes of this post, I choose simply to label those as important improvement goals to guide me moving forward. I've had a number of really awesome, successful Steemians pushing me to post about this (and more often in general); I think that writing outwardly about it is something that pairs well with introspective thought.

Sometime in the night, I passed my 1500th follower. Sometime last week, I passed my 200th day. Sometime last month, I passed rep 60.

      What do all these numbers mean? Are they the mark of a great Steemian? Maybe a little. What I see in these statistics and measures, frankly, is perseverance. Hang around Steemit long enough, and you'll rack up follow bots along with new friends. Once your account is on the chain, it becomes a time capsule — the days will pass from inception whether you use your blog or not. And provided every now and then you interact with someone in some way, you'll get a few upvotes, big or small, to keep your rep inching upwards. So while in the scheme of things, from then to now, these numbers are achievements and milestones, I don't think they adequately sum up the way that I've approached the time behind and my work ahead here on the platform.


A few tips half a year on, from someone who's always been a bit of an odd Steemit duck. 🦆

  • Short posts, long posts, more posts, less posts, best posts, shit posts

I need to post more to grow, but the more support for my work increases, the more I feel uncomfortable churning out work just to get paid. When I was a smaller account, I felt such pressure to prove and produce, every day. It honestly began wearing on me, and the worry about money and votes and quality and not disappointing made it even more difficult to get motivated. Now that I'm a slightly wrigglier minnow, I've found that one or two really high quality posts is my wheelhouse. I'm going to try to do more, but I'm not caving to the temptation to post just to post and take the money. Everything I put on the chain is worthy of the love my voters are giving it. I respect them by doing my best, and I respect my limitations by understanding that I can't do more than I am right now at the level I want to do it at.

  • I still don't use voting bid bots.

I understand that compared to a great number of accounts, my average payout is pretty great. I think I deserve it for the work and words I share here. I also understand that for brand new accounts, the ability to get noticed, trending, get help with rep and make a bit of money, is where voting bots can be helpful. However, I also know that in many cases, the biggest ones are getting hammered for competition, minnows get the short end of the stick, and the distribution of wealth remains from the higher paid to the highest paid. That's an oversimplification of the issues, but I'm not able to be Robin Hood, winning SBD from the rich to power up to vote the poor. So, I personally choose to power up as organically as I can, curate active minnows, devs, and movements with what I have, and earn at the rate that is naturally coming to me. I may grow more slowly, but more of what I'm paying out goes directly to others on the platform, and not into one of these big accounts. Not choosing some of the ethical bid bots, or bid bots just starting out may be hampering my chances at higher rewards, but better to leave the smallest ones for the minnows who choose to use them, and to give (and take) what is freely given. Your mileage may vary; don't let people tell you what to do. Think about it critically, look at the costs, and think about the balance of your own rewards versus the health of the platform in the long run.


There is no downside to being kind on this platform. None. I interact with everyone, even the comment spammers and the borderline idiots, as kindly as possible. On the other end of that desperate account is someone who is struggling to get their hands on crypto at any cost and is choosing the wrong ways to do it. I don't tolerate scammers or those trying to do harm, but for those who are facing some perceived 'disadvantage' — not well versed in English, culturally insensitive, habitually lazy, a lack of platform knowledge... so many things — the idea of getting rich quick attracts those who are in difficult situations. Instead of treading on them and nuking them offhand, or writing to them as if they are stupid or worthy of abuse, I try to explain why what they are doing isn't going to work, and how to improve in a way that will show actual rewards. While I can't fix or influence everyone, for some, it's the first steps on the path to contributing positively to the chain and being kinder to others themselves.

  • Community is important. We all chose to be here, and we all choose how to be.

Joining a smaller subset of the overall Steemit community; finding one, building one, encouraging one: it's all part of what makes up the overall values of the chain. Banding together with others in your country, who have your hobbies, who work in the same field, or who post in the same niche are all ways to find content you genuinely will enjoy upvoting and will more than likely make you actual friends in a strong network. Voting for what you have some bond to, and being voted for by those who connect to you and your content is an organic, sustainable method of building a following and giving and getting rewards, as well as the most out of the content here. Communities off platform, in places like the myriad of Discord servers, are just as important. I spend most of my time in MSP, the Writer's Block, SteemDevs, VOTU, and working with veterans and women and artists and addicts and memelords and radio stations and travellers...

This is probably the biggest impediment to my posting, so I don't suggest you do as I do, but I do suggest you find one or two that really attract you. I cannot overstate how much this will expand your knowledge of the platform and bring you solid connections to the real people behind the accounts you love and follow.

I spend twelve or so hours a day each day simply talking to and helping as many people as I can in these communities. Being able to do this and give this is the most important part of being here, for me. It takes precedence over my posting, and has become what I am known for and how I make a direct impact on the chain for the better — maybe even more so than the opinions, tools, and skills I offer and share willingly. Taking a small step towards connecting others together (maybe you know two ping pong enthusiasts who haven't seen each other's posts) or to connecting to others (maybe you can collaborate with someone on a song, or to create some code) is valuable in rewards, in spirit, and in experience. If you're going to be here, succeed at all of it.


Are you still here? This turned into a sort of preachy novel about how I've found some success and my place, and how I plan to continue. Since you made it, let me reward you.

      While the milestone numbers on my account may or may not mean success in traditional promotional social media ways, I feel as though in the time I have been here I've honed my writing, my knowledge of myself, and my service to others; combining that with being a partner in a successful witness and being able to directly talk to and serve as many people as I do, I am content with the path I've chosen. Yes, I could be much bigger. I could have many more posts. I could probably (definitely) have a ton more followers. All that will probably come, along with the time... but I don't feel in any way lacking. So don't plan to see many changes in the way I do things, or another "milestone" post from me for another year or so. 😊Now about that reward...

I want to give away TWO more prints of any of my photography or art, free, no strings attached.

      This may or may not actually mean anything of value to you. No offense if it doesn't. No catches. No mandatory resteems, no mandatory upvotes. Simply comment saying you're interested in a print, and I'll draw two randomly from whomever asks for one. The only thing I ask is that you are able to give me an address to mail to by contacting me privately on Discord.

For those of you here every day, hitting personal milestones, growing your accounts, voting and interacting and building and contributing to a stronger economy and technology and community, thank you. For those of you who are not sure if you're going to be able to: you can, and you will. The numbers here will add with the effort and the path you choose for yourself.

These photos and words are my own work, inspired by travels all over this pretty blue marble of ours. I hope you like them. 🌶️


Hi, I'm Crimmi. I help run a top 30 Steemit witness, along with my project partner @followbtcnews. Feel free to reach out to us on Steemit Chat or Discord at any time! If we haven't earned your vote yet, please take some time to look at our tools and our work — place a vote for followbtcnews if you feel we're doing a good job.

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I'm with you Crimmi, writing for the sake of getting paid feels wrong.
I'd rather put out 1-2 quality posts a week that are well researched, formatted and presented. I personally believe that along with the quality posts you need constant engagement with others to really succeed unless you're already well known from other outlets. It's the engagement of others that makes this place so much fun and so rewarding.
Keep going babe you're awesome ❤️

I don't begrudge the people making money. But I've found the way to do it myself that I'm best and most comfortable at, and I don't measure myself against some of the common metrics because I know they don't line up with my personal take on this platform. And as such, interactions and quality; things you're a pro at~ 🖤

Congratulations! :D

Hey, what about this engagement on blog business - I see many unanswered replies! haha, just kidding, you are probably off somewhere saving PAL from death by trolls or some other amazing feet :D

hahah, nice call out! Yes, I usually don't get to my replies until the day after the blog is posted, as I've fallen behind in the servers I moderate while writing the posts. Balance when I have so many people needing help or service RIGHT NOW can be difficult to find, but I never leave comments unanswered or unacknowledged <3 The only real answer is to go online crypto full time, but I'm not quite there yet and probably won't be unless I turn Steemit into a profit machine.

So instead, you get slightly late replies, sincere answers, loving upvotes, and a promise that I'll try harder!

Well I suppose that will have to do!

Go full time! Or see how I do first before deciding 😁

I think there is potential to do so and so I'll be giving it a shot. Wish me luck!

I'm going to try; think of all the places I could take everyone to if I traveled more than a month a year! 😍

Wow, you are a REALLY eloquent writer... (STEEMIT we need a Top 10 Friends Hotlist!) I really appreciate what you said about interacting with folks who have poor English... As a former ESL Teacher, I can't say enough that it is a modern miracle we can expose ourselves to such exotic perspectives... We need to cherish that and cultivate it, or we'll all be spammed to hell...

I found my own personal solution, or way to address it... I saw a good post that needed to be great... I left a comment saying how much I enjoyed reading it, but offered to edit the text and send it back to him... He agreed, and I made the changes and he thanked me profusely...

The ironic thing is, at that point my rep was so low that nothing would help but a miracle... I got it! The day after I volunteered to edit this, a different random person (whale) made a post of mine go viral for the first time... ($120 payout!) Was it connected? I couldn't say... Will I offer again, as my heart tells me to? ABSOLUTELY!!!

I so appreciate you getting out there and offering yourself in service! While we can't always give everything away, doing good just because almost always balances out somewhere. Looking for the connections and actually making them betters others and ourselves alike! <3


Somehow this post almost fell through the cracks for me, but I'm glad I eventually got to reading it. I have huge respect for a lot of what you have shared here and I have an even bigger respect and admiration for what you are doing for this platform behind the scenes.

And of course I would love a print ^^

P.S.: Still listening to your Christmas playlist from time to time, especially when walking the dog. His happy stride fits in with the metaled-up Christmasy stuff hilariously :P

Your entry is noted~
I think there's some balance to be found in talking about the good you're undertaking in an inspirational way and being a braggy brag face. I haven't found it personally, so I tend to speak softly and carry a big love.

I'm still telling people that they're going to get krampused :D

You are wonderful and help so many people, thank you for all that you do!
Also, I would loooooooove a print!

Your entry is noted~
I am lucky that through helping and engaging I get to meet people like you <3 see? still a bit selfish. Everyone wins!

You do incredible work in the PAL channel and you really shepherd along new people, cultivate community and generally do what you can to be awesome.

In the early days for us we had to use the vote bots to get our account going but I made a vow this year (2018) to leave completely alone and grow organically - even at the expense of faster growth. Will this mean we don't get to do as much as we planned? Sure. But for the greater good of the platform, we're trying to do our part. Thanks for being awesome.

I'm not against those who use the bid bots; I just currently believe that overall, they're really not going to give minnows enough of the benefits and it doesn't always help cultivate the best content. As a minnow, you're not sinking the platform with your use of the bid bots! But depending, you're competing against accounts you simply can't beat, you're feeding some of the biggest ones on the platform that don't need much more, and you're teaching yourself helplessness, a little.

I really appreciate this comment. I love the work that you and your wife are doing and you have become an important part of our initiatives simply by coming in to say hi and encourage others from time to time. I will always be here to support what you are doing, as it resonates with me and I believe it in. This is the Steemit I want to see grow.

Congratulations friend, I am very happy for your achievements

Everyone rises together, right? :D

I like it when you talk about ethics and keep the balance of steemit functioning, I identify with you, if I become great it will be with my good intentions to grow and making a big solid network full of knowledge

"There is no downside to being kind on this platform." This is what I have been enjoying and seeing also each time I through your post. You are indeed a leader and calm headed to nurture and grow the younger bloods. This post is the best and practiced words I have read for now and also being a top witness makes you to see more and more of the kind of people to help grow on this platform. Thank you for not just getting early angered by the unknown of some stupid post. You must a good dad.

I'm not planning on having children myself, but you may be right, I might have it in me to be an okay dad :)
Definitely, I think that the people in PALnet often find me a bit of a nurturing, parental type. Helping is something that I derive great joy from, so it is a bit selfish too, I suppose!

Thank you for your kind words. If we all just slowed down and worked together to help users who don't understand or who are chasing the wrong methods, it may be that we could get some of them contributing and helping others too. It won't always work, but the effort is worth it. I appreciate your thoughtful comment!

@crimsonclad if i should remember the day i joined steemit i cant never for PAL, all mod are so special. There are love over with peachy all over the channel. I am happy to be part of the community.

Congratulation on your milestone.

One love.

Thanks Samest. It is one hundred percent the people, yourself included! <3

Way to go Crim. You are very hard working. Do what feels right.

Thank you, spiral~ I truly believe it's worth it, so it's not a hard choice to make.

Really happy to have met you on here and would definitely like a print. Here's to growing together with everyone steaming up the windows of the current centralised system.

Your entry is noted~
Thanks, Stick; I agree! We're not just here to be vote vending machines and to stress ourselves out trying to snatch money out of the air by throwing out random posts as nets. (I mean, someone could be, but we personally aren't.) In the end, doing things for the "right" reasons for ourselves makes it easier to do and easier to track our personal goals and feelings against. Those that come here and do it their own way, provided they aren't causing harm, fine, I respect the hustle, but there's a good chance I don't actually respect them to the same level (or in some cases, at all.)

Thanks Crim I think this reply will be my 1000th post , so celebrations all round

celebration vote, even if it puts my VP in the 50s!

Appreciate it Crim and look forward to the print

You are awesome! I'm glad for you and 1500 followers, congrats! I'm also glad to have the possibility to be supported by you if I need it. You are a down to earth person which I admire. Honesty, kindness and helpfulness is always the way forward. You got rewarded, you make friends and you make others happy.
I believe in Steemit, in the community and people like you are needed and so important to build it all :-) Thanks a lot!

You're spot on. You make art and conversation and are here to grow and succeed and create and reward, and to do it all sincerely. We need more kerlunds~

Thank you so much blushing ☺️ We need many more of you as well <3

Don't know about the prints, but I want you to be the same person always...love your helping nature and spirit :crimson:

thanks Tanish! I love having people like you step into chat and onto the platform and just embrace it~ you have done a great job being helpful and learning... and it's helping you and others grow <3

Pick me, pick me, pick the person next to me too. They probably really like you too!

Your entry is noted~
Dora will help me pick :D

This is a very inspiring post for a newcomer like myself. I am a new follower of the #teamaustralia group and saw that you were a veteran of the platform on the discord chat. I like your honesty and approach here, the numbers and dollars aren't everything and the community/engagement definitely are the main drivers to how popular and successful you can become in a place like #steemit. Look forward to following your journey and further grown and being a member of #teamaustralia. 👍

hooking up with a great group like TeamAus is a wonderful way to start! You can be in it for all the things if you're not a dick about it, it the way I approach it; I love getting rewarded, but I also don't want to break trust with the people voting for my stuff by posting some low effort crap so they feel obligated to support me because we're friends. Having a group to bounce ideas off of, to share with, and to learn from is the best way to grow quickly, but also to have a great time.

I also invade Aus from time to time with #teamcanada, so there's that

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Congratulations. It's been a very arduous marathon to get through these last six months for sure, but here we are rolling into a new year for more of it! Are we nuts?

I normally leave contests and giveaways for the kids, but I really would love very sincerely and very much to have just a small piece of your artwork on the wall in this apartment full of empty walls and things so kindly please drop my name in your "not just a hat rack" hat. (pro tip: mountains, dogs, horses, selfies, any of these would do...)

Please and thank you.

Actually scratch that. Give them to the kids. Where can I buy one? I don't think I would want to take one from you for free.

Your entry is noted~
I'm giving away at least two, regardless, so it really doesn't matter!

As always, dear Crim, I like your style :) And since I've just returned from the wilderness, I must admit that it is brilliant to see that #futurefire burning bright. See you in the shadows :P

thank you, nomad; I'm glad you had time to take a forest bath. Looking forward to seeing you around more often, wherever you may be lurking~

Nice post @crimsonclad, I really love your writing style and agree with most of your purpose.
Looking forward to read your next post :)

thanks, tradewolf! sweet of you to say~

You definitely deserve to get high payouts. I have found that the bots are not that great. I recently tested them out and lost money more than I made money on them.

Great achievements and great goals. Your willingness to mentor new members make any payments you get for your posts hard earned returns. You are investing in people, not bots. That is a wise investment.

There is the helpful bottracker tool, but the reality is right now while SBD is high especially, people with some money to play with will hammer the bots with big votes in the last few minutes, and the tracker really can't help you know whether or not that will happen. It's a tough game to compete in sometimes, so I don't know that it's one most should play when the rules are fluid and lean towards a certain team.

I appreciate your comment, and agree fully. Helping each link in the chain - the contributors, the curators, the investors - all have the knowledge to leverage for success in positive community engagements, then the platform as a whole becomes more sucessful and positive. If I know something simply from being here slightly longer or having a different perspective than you, why not share it? It doesn't benefit me or you not to.

Great perspective. I actually made a new years goal to mentor a couple of new members, but got no takers. Surprisingly. While I still have a lot to learn, I thought I might be able to at least help get some people on the right track. Particularly by helping them get noticed. I don't have a lot of time to devote to this website, but I like it and want to help it succeed.

And to think I was about ready to give up when you lent me a helping hand..

I am glad you didn't give up. Critical thinkers, wild dreamers, analytical skeptics, willing helpers... the chain needs them all. Sometimes being "just another link" is a very powerful thing.

Where did my comment go? This is getting crazy. Disappearing comments, glitches galore. Oh well, in a nutshell, thanks for lending a helping hand when I was starting out...

I would love a print too. Just started hanging out on PAL and it's amazing!!

Your entry is noted~
Thanks for popping in and commenting. I'm glad you've been enjoying your time in PAL! It's a great place to meet people and hang out in chat, or crowdsource help, or whatever. I mostly like it because your avatar makes me howl every time I see it :D

Thank you! It's an awesome place indeed and the radio shows...well they are just fantastic! :D

I renjoyed reading this. Your approach sums up very well how I feel about Steemit. I originally joined as a place to hone my writing skills and get merit based feedback on how that is going. I've found far more and agree with you on kindness. So many people have been kind in helping me work this platform out and navigate my way around it.

that is fabulous to hear, and I'm so happy you have found welcome here; I must ask, are you in the Writer's Block yet? If not, let me send you an invite, I think it might be the perfect community for you <3

I'm not in that group. It sounds great. Please do send me an invite. I'm on discord if that's where it lives :)

I've sent you a message and an invite on Discord! Hopefully I'll be on duty when you drop by to say hello~

Thanks so much. I've joined and I'm off work today so I'll be able to take a wander around.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You are just a great person and steemian. I love this:

Instead of treading on them and nuking them offhand, or writing to them as if they are stupid or worthy of abuse, I try to explain why what they are doing isn't going to work, and how to improve in a way that will show actual rewards. While I can't fix or influence everyone, for some, it's the first steps on the path to contributing positively to the chain and being kinder to others themselves.

I am following your lead! Just continue to be the excellent "you"!

Your presence on the platform is as your namesake~ keep on loving. <3

Congratulations ma'am
I am a witness of your good deeds!
Also i love your values, they are wonderful
Thanks for your words of wisdom!

thank you for this! Even though I'm talking to you in DMs right now and it took me this long to get around back to replying to all the comments :D

No problem ma'am
Itx the price of being famous 😉

Wow that’s awesome!!! Congrats on the milestone!!!

haha, you remain actually one of my first follows on the platform, so thank you for noticing me, senpai!


b'aaawww, thanks hoschi~

its only a small way to spread the LOVE :) doin small steps... smile doin Small steps... and one day i can do more to show it :)

It's nice to have a lot of followers. Followers are real! :)

You're right, it is nice, when they're real. Looking at my numbers, I don't actually think a vast majority are, so I cherish the ones I've got! I don't stress over the total number otherwise, because I know it's really as accurate a measure, and that's sort of where this whole post started.

This really inspired me.. Thank you for this.

thank you. This platform can be a confusing place, and there's nothing wrong with doing it your own way if you do it with an open mind and a full heart.

Congratulations on your milestone @crimsonclad

I know is not an easy task to get those numbers, you really work hard for them. You are doing a great job towards keeping this community growing.
Thank you for all the tips you narrated here, it really help me big time.

Regards @funkylove

thanks for your kind words!

Very nice, good job, more tender.

It could be argued that I'm plenty tender- almost fluffy even. I have this on lock!

Truth be told, if you're an ESL speaker, consider leaving a comment in your native language! I can use translate, and a more relevant comment will get an upvote and a reward from me.

Great post thanks!

thanks for stopping in, destiny~ I recommend leaving a comment that actually relates back to the post in some way. Lots of people leave a comment like this just to get noticed or some rewards quickly, so it tends to be regarded as insincere. Good work on getting out and commenting; if you actually give a little genuine feedback on the post(doesn't even have to be good, provided you aren't mean), you're much more likely to get upvotes and rewards.

Hi there
this is a competition that has to do with logo designing of a friend of me that is paying very generously and lacks quality participants. thought you might be interested :)


Good greetings from Venezuela, I was watching the post and this is very explanatory business information I invite you to help me visiting and seeing my post @felixrodriguez

Hey Felix; I didn't really talk about business stuff in this post, so I'm not sure if you really got the gist of it. I don't really recommend dropping your name into comments, as people can simply click on your avatar if they would like to see your blog. You don't need to ask them. Simply engage with them genuinely without making it feel like an obligation, and you'll probably see better results!

Awesome post dear .....

as a borderline idiot all I have to say is... KINDNESS 👏 IS WORTH 👏 EVERYTHING 👏