Millineals Be Damned.... His, Hers and.......... Theirs? Really?

in milineals •  7 years ago 

Dear millennials, I am 37 years of age and I have traveled the realms of reality yet I still do not understand you. You can follow me, delete me, hate me, hunt me but I will not let up. You will soon implode on your cause or lack thereof. I will not give into hiding away. You ignorant blissful fools are the reason that we now have a president known as Donald Trump, yet you whine and moan about it continuously. You clamor for attention stating false and ignorant rhetoric such as "Not my President". If that be the case, then according to American and historical law, this is not your country either, so exit stage left and retreat. You wear gas masks and try to make waves in the calm oceans of America, defiling what so many brave men and women have fought for in order to protect this free land. You force companies into political confusion with the yearning to be something that you are not. Be it a woman, a man or my most recent favorite a "their".

Well congratulations millennials. You have now cursed the sword into the rib cage of true democracy. You see the conservative party was once exactly like you, granted their morality always landed in the hands of their own financial gain and commerce. Now these days I will say that a struggle being made from nothing more than "feelings" lacks value. It lacks character and highlights any sense of false pride that it ever so yearns to gain, despite knowing the fact that somewhere in the back of your mind the words are uttered that "this is wrong".... "this is man made" throughout a series of time and ill made decisions about life and its circumstances. How dare you complain? You Oxford cloth wearing silver spoon fed trust find babies whose sharp threads were unjustly sewn in China by children!

African American's have had to struggle for years with the racial boundaries of bigotry used against them by their fellow man, government and law enforcement alike. Now that the black folks have made a move in their true struggle (a battle still yearning for justice) you confused reckless agitated and nearly always uneducated misanthropes strive to destroy the democracy that you so effortlessly yearn for. Neither race nor ethnicity play into your hand yet you jump on the band wagon overthrowing any and all real democratic action. In fact the majority of you according to recent census poles rank high above the household wealth of the individual black family.

Ironically, conservatives were once liberals too. Priding themselves on a "free voice" of a democratic America where freedom of expression and opinions met on the plains where fairness and freedom both landed on equal terrain. Still in the days of yonder there was no such term justified in order to grant the word 'equality'. How dare we act so unjust as American's with the usage of slaves and our fairly open border policies back then? Yet others still may argue that slavery is good. Open borders that allow an influx of terrorism into America are just grand! You ignorant fools.

You see kids politics can become elasticized over time quite easily. Much like a salt water taffy being stretched before your eyes into elaborate and beautiful colors and sweet dreams of nothing. One who is mentally inept must always remember that if you stretch things in your party too far, you may just wind up with a sugar coated tie died colored cavity. Point being the Republicans were once the part of out cries and conspiracies against a society of misanthropes.

Whereas in days current "they" or "theirs" is considered a sexual party. You were born either male or female minus the very few mathematically rare exceptions. The thing is that with the Republicans they pushed harder and harder to get their way(s) no matter how absurd, prejudiced, ridiculous, or immoral. And guess what, the Republicans won! So now you sit here wondering why. Or how human beings could be so foolish and cruel? Yet the answer is in your face every single time that you see your reflection in the mirror, a car window or a puddle of putrid water.

Much like the conservatives of years yonder you have now officially joined their party over speaking your own opinions of a prejudice that does not exist. I mean really look at the History books. Read and observe learning from the true knowledge of vastly informative facts and you will find that Native Americans and African American's (brought here against their own will to be enslaved) are the true bread and butter of what this country really needs to focus on a restitution for, yet still we fall short.

Republicans have fought a long and hard battle to prove that they are right and just no matter how silly the end result. They cared not about how foolish that they would one day look on future generations. Conservatives became powerful demigods, imposing their beliefs and views as facts onto the rest of the entire nation. Now we watch the liberal Democratic party of America follow the same suit. Sculpting their own reality and shaming those who do not agree into their very own oppressive arms. All without the realization that the millennials and militias thereof are following the same exact path that their great, great untaught Grandparents took route on so long ago.

If you have read what I have to say up to this point you may be quite agitated. You might believe that I am a member of the Republican party. Still others, more educated (and by that I do NOT mean mandatory diversity courses taught at your college), may actually read the words that I write without fear or anger, figuring that I am a Democrat. So folks I hate to stun you and perhaps burst your bubble when I state that I am an Independent Party and my thoughts, words and actions follow as such. If this article offended you in any way, shape or form you can contact me at Since Shakespearean times men have longed to be women and visa versa. Now we are in modern times.

So think right and bear in mind that your every anarchist, foolish notion bares potentially as poorly as slavery does in American history. Look above you to your ceiling. Look over to your Pollock re-print that your tennis pro step father bought for you to hang on your dorm room wall only to be defiled by your fellow classmates in the same fashion that you have insulted our country. Look at our United States Constitution, remembering that history cannot re-write itself yet rather coming to the realization that it is upon our own founding blocks of history through current times that we can build a way to force form any and all changes that we so desire. The bottom line is be who you are, but do not force American to be who you are.

As an Independent meets Socialist free form thinker I firmly believe that your intent to do good for yourselves only selfishly brings harm on you, your friends, families and fellow Americans. You disgrace the sanctity of womanhood with your vaginal shaped pink hats. To abhor, loath and abominate your fellow countrymen is true treason. As we were founded and so still stand The United States of America is against all forms of terrorism, both foreign and domestic. So continue to execrate the law, crying when men and women of law enforcement subdue you with non-lethal measures. Execrate the United States of America and all of the men and women (not "they's") who have fought and/or died for your freedom. Do not year to make these many sacrifices and deaths to be in vein for you to desecrate. How casually you moan, groan and complain about how you were born as you ponder what pot you may be able to next stir in a futile attempt to further humiliate yourselves in an act of domestic terrorism which only provides powers to terrorists such as ISIS.

Daft fools, I implore you to seek ought self educating literature beyond your course of lecture or study on your college campus. You are the naïve, the misguided, the angry and unruly masses of today. Still yet only you can choose tomorrow with an open mind and free heart. Enjoy walking through lavish green fields or perhaps barefoot on the sand of the beach. Look up to a beautiful sky free of bomber jets looking to deploy on U.S. soil for all of the hard work, blood, death and mayhem that our ancestors endured to ensure a much more free and safe America. A country where their children, grandchildren and lineage to come could appreciate a life of safety. A country without drafts, nor military silos blaring warning us of pending doom. Your great, great Grandparents may have not seen eye to eye with your every belief, yet still without their courage, honor and a rare-to-find dignity, you would not have the freedom to breathe fresh air let alone complain about self imposed privileges that you self create in an ill attempt to create trouble where there is none to be found.

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