Militarism in Police Forces

in militarism •  7 years ago 


The myth of ideologies which the patriots inscribed in the revered Declaration of Independence, for the free and liberal America was gone up in fumes yet again. The ugly head of excessive force exhibited by police surfaced again on August 9, 2014 when a white policeman shot dead a 17 year old young black boy Michael Brown in Ferguson. Though it is not the only soul searching incidence, which occurred, and it will not be the last, unless some appropriate steps are initiated. Psychological evaluation of the police personals is certainly most desired.

Incidences like these weaken the fiber of our society and the integrity of the nation is put to test, we lose face and feel ashamed of ourselves as human beings. This brutal act sparked protests in Ferguson with mistrust between the two communities deepening and social unrest marked the stage. There were violent protests, and antisocial elements had a field day who took to looting and vandalism. But the display of weaponry force by the security forces was equally unjustified, after all they were not confronting ISIS hardliners, the protesters were the unarmed civilians of Uncle Sam.

You can squarely blame it on the tons of weapons in the hands of the US police force, and the war against terrorism. The government authorities are militarizing the police force on war footings spending billions of dollars annually upgrading their equipment and weaponry. But we can do better if we upgrade the soft skills of the police forces, they should be taught to behave like officer and a gentleman. The police force has to win the confidence of the taxpayers and develop cordial relations with them.

Incidences like these weaken the fiber of our society and put the credibility of US government under fire. The US government loses its right to preach justice to the world if it cannot keep its backyard clean. Though our country is blessed with people who have sense of justice, and the incident invoked a strong criticism from Attorney General Eric Holder itself, and a call from President Obama to review the change of arms from military to the police forces.

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