What is "Shock and awe"?

in military •  3 years ago 

"Term for a military strategy based on achieving rapid dominance over an adversary by the initial imposition of overwhelming force and firepower."

"Shock and awe (technically known as rapid dominance) is a tactic based on the use of overwhelming power and spectacular displays of force to paralyze the enemy's perception of the battlefield and destroy their will to fight.[1][2] Though the concept has a variety of historical precedents, the doctrine was explained by Harlan K. Ullman and James P. Wade in 1996 and was developed specifically for application by the US military by the National Defense University of the United States."

"The term Shock and Awe has been popularly employed to describe US strategy during the initial stages of the 2003 Iraq War."

"Military strategists from Sun Tzu to Clausewitz have understood the value of destroying the enemy’s will to resist, but Shock and Awe—introduced by a 1996 study aimed at Pentagon insiders—took it to higher levels. Shock and Awe meant an attack so massive and sudden that the enemy would be stunned, confused, overwhelmed, and paralyzed."

"Shock and awe" is the term the Bush administration uses for its massive hi-tech air strikes on the Iraqis. As a military strategy, it is discussed at length in a 1996 book published by the Command and Control Research Program (CCRP) within the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense of the United States.[1] Titled Shock and Awe: Achieving Rapid Dominance, the book describes shock and awe as a strategy "aimed at influencing the will, perception, and understanding of an adversary rather than simply destroying military capability."

"Tommy Franks, the U.S. Army general in charge of our impending invasion of Iraq, has explained that the overall military strategy for victory is to induce such “shock and awe” in the enemy with totally overwhelming force that they quickly capitulate."

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