Police Clear Sawmill not in Native North Aceh.

in militery •  7 years ago 

North Aceh – A number of the lumber mills with a sawmill in the hamlet Bidari, Gampong Leubok Heritage, North Aceh dipolice the line, Friday 19 January 2018. In the location also secured the early 50's bar a block of wood of which is believed to be the result of getting into the woods or illegal logging.

Gelondongan the wood and the sawmill is secured in the operation of the illegal logging by the team of Sub Directorate IV Tipiter of Aceh and the Police of North Aceh.

the Chief of North Aceh District Police, Assistant Great Commissioner Mohammad Ahmad At Surianata, through Waka Commissioner Suwalto, to mediaaceh.co, on Saturday 20 January 2018, he said the logs are secured is estimated to be kind of meranti.

Gelondongan was tied up with string like a raft in the river basin of the Bidari. sawmill, we found dozens of other who are believed to be from the forest encroachment. Some of the location we've given the police line and was a member, said Police Commissioner Suwalto.

He added that it is also coordinating with the forest related to the origin and the status of wood in the sawmill.

Three people have been secure and was examined as witnesses. If it will be the result of forest wood from protected forests, then his status will we get better in time, said Police Commissioner Suwalto.

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