Stop Blaming Millennials And Look At Their Challenges

in millennials •  6 years ago 

Though every generation, Boomers and Gen X in particular, has had their fair share of disparagement, millennials receive far more negative attention than these past generations. Faced not only with economic struggles, millennials deal with a constant barrage of criticism from nearly all sources. Online “journalism” takes the cake when it comes to millennial bashing, capitalizing on the trendiness of ganging up on millennials. Describes as lazy, entitled, and attention-seeking, those who criticize the collective behavior of the millennial generation are missing key pieces of the picture.

Whether they like to admit it or not, the economy, social structure, and political climate of 2018 is very different from that of 40 years ago. When Boomers, or the “Me Generation,” as they’ve been called, were entering college, educational demands were very different. In the past 15 years student debt owed by Americans has tripled from $340 billion to an unbelievable $1.3 trillion. In 2016, young adults with student debts to pay off actually have a negative net wealth of -$1,900, and incredible disadvantage that previous generations simply cannot relate to.

Mocking millennials for making the most of what they are given is a practice that comes not from hate, but from misunderstanding. It’s not an easy concept to accept that the world is so rapidly changing, but understanding how and why it is changing can give us better insights into millennial habits, and even the future of the economy as well. Take a look at this infographic for more on exactly what unique challenges face millennials, how they are overcoming these obstacles, and how they are succeeding in spite of the negativity.
millennials struggle.png
Infographic Courtesy of Bachelors Degree Center

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