Millennial Monster

in millennials •  7 years ago 

I'm a millennial. A monster. I threaten to destroy the societal structure that the technological age was built on. The age of logic, the age of "Go to school, get a good corporate job and work until it is time to retire". That is not enough for me. You will call me entitled. You will say I think I'm special. You will even say, It's not my fault, my parents were told to raise me a certain way and this is the outcome. Well I've got another perspective. I am an evolution. Mankind has lived through the industrial age, the technological age and now it appears that change is upon us again; a new age is beginning to take root. This one craves meaning and searches thirstily for fulfillment and purpose. We have satisfied our needs for basic survival, we are now used to living in abundance and having all that we need and even information at our fingertips. Logically, we are fine. That should be enough, you tell us. We are being selfish. But we are not happy with this. And we suspect that you aren't either. We are an evolution of you. We will not settle for this unhappiness, this "something's missing" feeling propels us to knock down your perfectly crafted ideas of how a good life should be. We know that our actions and wants and deep needs are not completely logical. But we accept that logic alone cannot solve the world's problems and that we do not know all the answers. We are driven by the hunger of our spirits. And we will not stop until they are sated. We cannot sweep our higher needs for passion and purpose and fulfillment under the rug. We demand to create and connect and experience rather than live like robots fulfilling repetitive functions each day of our lives. We can nearly employ actual robots for this. We want more. And we are beginning to trust that this is not a defect; it's not a flaw or unfortunate mistake that our generation turned out this way. We are here now. You will see us, hear us, and learn from us if you are wise. We have spent our lives learning from you and now we have our own truths which demand to be told. Inner worlds that demand to be outwardly expressed through creation and connection. You may see us as monsters, but we come, however boldly, in search of peace and greater happiness.

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