Summer Time in middle Europe and share some of my thinkingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in mind •  8 years ago 


Looking in the Sky....and did take my cheap Camera and made a Photo. From my Balcony to the Sky and to the Huge Universe and beyond. If you think now, there such Infinity there exisitng....well can say this Universe wasnt it before. Now i thinking about more and can see, it is possible that can been infinity, but in our hands and all Life into this Universe and other Universes to become it. I sitting again here and its hot/warm weather , something around 30 celsius. If want know, what i just listining.....well its something sad at least....but here is the link:

I not feel so great, been sad about my local contacts with people. I feel deep disapointed, from just everyone in my local contacts. Somehow Online-Contacts, do it happen often. But somehow my disapointment is more matter like that usual. If done figuring out, that i get abuse in all ways from all people, i am surrounded, is not any Fun. Massive abuse of trust, liar, cheating and scam....and that for over 20 years and then, i am figure it out.......Not that sure, how to handle that.....I am thinking alot about, i am so angry and bad disapointed, in same time so sad......I dont know, why people are like that ? Why always like to get me broken in all ways ? Perhaps , i am on wrong place here on world ? Or is it , just like that ? Very sad at all and all what i can do just, is to listen to Marlyin Manson.......and thinking more and more......the Dark Side seems for been everywhere.....Where is the Sanctum and the place of Light ? Surrounded from Darkness and been the only one with a Light, is for sure not easy living. Not in real life , not in Online-Life/Virtual Life. I am thinking alot around, yes somehow i am Wealth Manager, i am some special person, can do money and managing money, doesnt matter which sums....and create on it a nice % yearly on it. But tell me......who have deserve such ? To given my skills, to given my work.....and rich up his life .....with monetary way.....can you uphold to follow the Light and not get ever Corrupted to Darkness ? I dont find any People......there people, telling they have millions of money and so on.......but moment to just throw on me 500 Coins, is something bad for you ? Possible its bad for you, because you will figure out, that you was someone meeting, what will just not run off with....and even say your Idiot.....ahya your not one......But still , i will testing you more......before i starting to grow your millions to Billions.....been sure of that. However, even i not have a need for it at all, because i only try to find the people with Light. But thats just up to you all. Because i think, i am not care anymore much about. Somehow i see it as senseless to do that, to continue like this. If i really want do self Billions, there i woulda need just startup a company for it. Totally easy at all....... But there somehow, i not can really choose or proof my customers at all......and i am not that sure, should i say.....its just business ahya.....but they make just a ton of money because of my Intelligence and work. Already here into the Crypto-Universe.....I am able to been a great Wealth Manager. By the way, Crypto is a unregulated Market and in that way, mostly based on trust just given at all. But even here, people not like to take me much serious ? Not that sure really, how to find the people with light ? Because on my actual resident place, nothing holds me anymore......The World is mine, anytime now, if i want so. Who want .....walking with me the path....?d

Call me a dreamer......but i am not one. I am just something, your dont can Imagine.....that such existing. Now i am here on my place....alone and been a Computer Hermit. Nerved and Stressed mainly from stupid blabla. I prefer to write and read now....I think, i not want anymore speak, really. I wear black, because to show you all, this is my sadness over you.....and now i will silence mostly......Because in the Darkness your all mostly, you dont hear any voice of something good. Possible you will get confused so, if i am begin to talking.

My 2 cents for you and greetings,

Mr. Annonymous

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