My salutations to all the gurus from whom I have learnt whatever I know of as of today and in future.
Our education system never teaches us about how to do our own thinking, how to explore our mind and harnessing the power of our brain. The first thing that needs to be taught is this: How you to use your mind?
Let's start answering that question from a different angle altogether. So that our preconceived notions about the mind as "something very difficult to control and to control you will have to do lot of yoga trainings and so on so forth" would take a back seat. Why shall we not view our mind as any other daily used tool or gadget like any smartphone.
When we buy a new smartphone, we start exploring the various applications that it comes with, the hardware specifications including RAM, ROM, camera etc and the amount of memory and processing power that it has. So one by one we start exploring the phone to better utilize it to our needs. And one fine day, you will explored that enough from every nook and corner and would know the every bit of phone details as how to utilize it to serve you. To summarise in one line, you give specific input to a specific application which does it's work and gives you the output and stores in a specific location and not anywhere randomly. That is the storage of the various files is neatly ordered underneath for each application.
On the same lines, when we start viewing our mind also as any smart gadget or smart phone, there would be a dramatical shift in the way we start thinking about it. When you start doing that, you start exploring this gadget for every situation. Exploration is all about questioning yourself as to how do I do this task, Where is all this information stored in our mind, how do I solve this problem, where can I get the required information, why this happens, ie, all the kinds of Whys, whats, hows, wheres whens start appearing. When this kind of questioning starts incessantly about anything, we should consider exploration has begun which traverses us to the solution through many paths unexplored before. Solutions to every problem lies in our mind is the first understanding we should have before we jump to any problem solving and start exploring.
I have started doing this practice and hence have started writing as a first step itself as writing is one such step to explore your mind to understand what all it has stored, what all it's capable of doing and how can I leverage this capability to better my understanding of my journey of life. I will continue to do that for my daily activities and will update the important findings in this blog from here on so that it would serve me and many as notes to revisit in future lest I forget doing what I am doing now or to remember the beginning of the journey.
Happy exploring and happy long journey as the journey in our mind is un-exhaustingly vast as vast as universe, infinite and never ending!!