Psychically Blocked

in mindset •  5 years ago 

Does it feel like you are psychically blocked these days?

When we are stressed or emotionally depleted it can be hard to feel connected to our spiritual center.


Signs you are psychically blocked are:

Emotionally depleted

Lack of inspiration

Neglecting personal life matters

Struggling with self-care

Unable to break away from toxic relationships

Fear of speaking up or placing boundaries

The first step in getting back to your spiritual center and reconnecting to your intuition is acknowledging what you are struggling with. Our spiritual health increases when our mental health increases.

So what can you do to clear the psychic clutter?

Peace of mind and a healthy body are inevitable when you begin to think and feel in the right way. Get real with yourself and start making small steps to change! It is easy to lie to ourselves about the reality of our lives, relationships and what we need to truly thrive. Making change can be small steps consistently or radically. But true transformation takes time and making a commitment to show up no matter what the circumstances.

Keep your conscious mind busy with the expectation of the best, and your subconscious will faithfully reproduce your habitual thinking.

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thanks for the vote guys...