How to find true love, happiness and peace! Not what you expect

in mindset •  6 years ago 

Good day fellow steemians,

The title will make sense having read the whole post,
I kindly ask that you suspend any possible doubt or cynicism as it will muddy the waters and make the comprehension of this information more difficult.

Earth is a vehicle
We are the passengers
Our vehicle is on a journey through space time.
Earth revolves around the sun
Our solar system around the galaxy
the galaxy around the universe, the universe around the multiverse
Although our experience of this may seem static,

We wake up 12 million miles from where we went to sleep the night before. 😮

As our vehicle travels, we enter new space time with new energy
This energy is felt by all and affects all
It underwrites our subjective experience of reality
and is constantly shifting.

As earth shifts into a space time of greater vibrancy, so do we as passengers
Experienced as a shift in our internal environment, reflected in the world around us.
The current systems, institutions and constructs were built in a previous space time, facilitated by previous energy
These systems are no longer relevant in our new space time
Just as the abacus is no longer relevant in the age of computers.

The environment we create around us is a reflection of the internal environment within.
So, to change the external, we must first look within.
To change the internal environment, we must let go of old constructs
Constructs that facilitated competition, control and domination, War, poverty and discrimination
Such constructs are redundant.

This is no easy task, it is the hardest thing one can do
But it’s the reason you are here
it requires confronting all areas of self, all ideas and beliefs, all behaviours and attitudes
Confronting the character you have been acting as, the script you have been playing.
Confronting that which maintains the illusion of separation.
Apply true free will to actively release these internal constructs
And be freed from the illusion of limitation and separation.

We stand at the helm of infinity
Ready to embrace our true nature.
This nature is of oneness and wholeness
Expressed in our reality as unconditional love
Through Appreciation, compassion, humility, forgiveness, understanding and valour
We can share these virtues only once they have been shared with ourselves
Otherwise it is like beggars begging from beggars,
you cannot give love if you do not have any for yourself.
This is a process and requires great persistence and patience, but if pursued will bring peace, happiness and satisfaction into your life that is beyond comprehension or description.

Do not seek this infinity for it is ever present.
It cannot be found. Only realised
It cannot be understood by the logical mind, but felt and expressed by the heart.
This true nature is indescribable and unquantifiable yet detectable as the most subtle essence of our being.
It is intuitive, we all know this truth beyond truths
It is a matter of opening the door to this truth and stepping through with conviction, free from that which limits our perception.

Consider that I write of this for a reason, you are reading this for a reason.
I would not write of such if I had not begun experiencing this for myself.
I share insight, insight based on experience.
This is felt by more people every day and is the inescapable fate of all
Unfolding in front of us.
Humanity is waking up to its true nature,
You do not have to believe or even understand this,
For it is apparent and increasingly obvious as you apply this to your life.
It cannot be avoided, it can only be ignored until it is starring you in the face and there is no choice other than to embrace it.
Do not wait and shy away, although this is the easy option,
Now is the time to act. Now is the time to change.
Now is the only moment that exists in which you are present,
Therefore the time is now to seize your full potential.

Universal love to one and all

Check out my first blog post if this resonated with you in any way as it builds on the same concepts 🙂

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“We wake up 12 million miles from where we went to sleep the night before.” ..... This had me a little baffled 😯 A teacher once told me that we are never at a same spot twice in our life. Now I know what he was talking about.


I like how you put things into a cosmic perspective! It's baffling how scientist don't put importance in the changes the earth and its inhabitants go through from traveling in space and time together. It definitely has an impact in our existence.