
in mindvsheart •  7 years ago 


Silent thoughts,
pure, clean, unhurt and clear.
Loving thoughts that leave you never lonely.
I cannot find the words or sounds,
or vibrations for the air,
to say what lays upon my heart.
My thoughts, coming from my heart,
stay locked within my mind.
Undamaged, untangled, unspoilt and untrammeled.

Are there words that can say it.
Can words say it like it really is.
Pureness and cleanliness,
is in your heart and in your soul,
to be transported to your mind and to your thoughts.
The brain, our translator, our dictionary, our resolver,
is not without fault, so our words can never be,
as pure and as clean, as our thoughts that lay within.

Words translated by our thoughts are often,
manipulated, twisted, confused or misguided,
by lives distracted from cleanliness and purity,
by lives hardened and formed.

Our brains, our words to quick to judge,
to critise and to condem.
Not wanting to know, what we don`t understand,
although our hearts reach out for love and harmony,
for compassion and understanding.

Let our hearts speak out for us,
before our brain translates our thoughts

Do not be sucked into the negatives that surround our lives,
created by thought.
Dont sink, dont stay in the sump.
Look for higher ground around you.
For silence is the language of spirit.
All other is a poor translation.
Raise your consciousness and join the web of life.
The web of life that connects us to,
everything there ever was and ever will be.

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