Minimalism: Minimalist Living: An Easy Guide to a Meaningful, Simple, Happy and Decluttered Life. Consume Less and Experience More

in minimalism •  8 years ago  (edited)


Minimalism is a lifestyle that stands in sharp contrast to the conventional lifestyle of consumerism that most people practice. There are a great many misconceptions about the topic, however, which can lead people away from it and the benefits it promises to provide. This book will attempt to reveal the true essence of minimalism, showing both its true purpose and the rewards it can potentially bring.

Additionally, insights, tips and a few tricks will be presented to help you begin your journey toward a minimalist lifestyle. These will help to make the transition from a lifestyle of consumerism to a lifestyle of minimalism both easy and rewarding. Once you have read this book, not only will you know if minimalism is the right choice for you, but you will know how to get started right away. So, good luck and happy reading!

Minimalism as a Diet for the Soul

The subject of minimalism is one that is surrounded by a great deal of debate. On the one side, you have people claiming that by following the principles of minimalism you will improve the quality of your life on many levels. On the other side, however, you have people claiming that minimalism is a philosophy that robs a person of life’s pleasures. These people see minimalism as a road to nothingness, a veritable starvation diet as it were. The truth of the matter is that minimalism is a diet of sorts. But, just as no diet is designed to starve you and cause you harm, so too, minimalism is not designed to rob a person of life’s joys and pleasures. On the contrary, the whole point of minimalism is to increase a person’s joy of life. This is precisely the same scenario as with a regular food diet which is designed to increase a person’s energy, self confidence and overall wellbeing. All in all, minimalism is a diet designed to remove the clutter from your life and restore your life to a happier, less stressful state of being.

In order to fully appreciate the analogy of minimalism being a diet, we should take a moment to consider the dynamics of a regular food diet. One of the first things to understand about food diets is that they aren’t for everyone. An average person may be a little overweight, but if they are healthy overall, and they are happy in the life that they have, then by and large there is no reason for them to go on a diet. After all, the only way that a person can stay on a diet is if there is enough incentive to do so. As long as a person is healthy and happy, then there is absolutely no reason to consider going through the process of changing eating and exercise habits. It all comes down to a matter of need. Only when a person realizes that they have a weight problem, and that they really need to go on a diet in order to lose excess weight, and thus improve their health, will they consider taking the appropriate actions. The very same thing is true with minimalism. If you are quite happy and content with your lifestyle, then minimalism is probably not for you.
However, if you feel as though your life lacks the meaning and fulfillment that you believe it should have, and you feel weighed down by your possessions and obligations, then minimalism may be just the diet you need!
Another thing to consider is that a regular diet is not intended to kill you. Any diet that is healthy and worthwhile is designed to increase your energy levels, improve your health, and provide an all round better life experience. The way that it does this is to reduce the intake of foods that are bad for you, increase the intake of foods that are good for you, and establish a greater amount of physical activity in the form of healthy exercise. Minimalism does EXACTLY the same thing! The process of minimalism is designed to eliminate the clutter from your life, increase the opportunity for meaningful possessions, and increase activities that benefit you in soul and body. In this way, just as a regular diet won’t starve you or deprive you of what you need to survive and even thrive, neither will minimalism deprive you of happiness. On the contrary, following a minimalist lifestyle will restore happiness to anyone who has become miserable due to the consumerist lifestyle they are living. Again, it is critical to stress the fact that this isn’t for everyone. Only when a person truly feels that they need to significantly change their life should this path be considered.

Another way in which minimalism is very much like a diet is in how it changes your very way of thinking. A good diet will cause you to stop craving snack foods and to start enjoying foods that are healthier for you. This is exactly what minimalism will do in terms of possessions. Not only will it allow you to reduce the clutter in your life that is bringing you misery, but it will also remove the mindset that possessions bring happiness. As you follow the path of minimalism, your whole outlook on life will change and, thus, your habits will change as well. This means that while the beginning stages may be somewhat challenging and even a little traumatic, over time this will change as you develop a whole new sense of perspective. Eventually, rather than missing the things you got rid of, you will celebrate your freedom from that burden, much the way a healthy person celebrates being free from their snack food eating ways. No person who successfully completed a diet ever regretted it. They never looked back and missed the overweight body they left behind. Likewise, with minimalism, you will never look back. Rather you will wake up each day feeling more alive, more joyous and most of all, more free to be the true you.


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