Opening My Minging Farm To The Public...

in mining •  8 years ago  (edited)

I recently reached my minimum hash rating goal and am now able to open my mining farm to the public. I am offering 120% ROI or 220% ROI (120% up to two years and 220% up to one year max time frame) for each dollar invested to be paid back daily in crypto-coins if wanted or I will purchase for dollars when enough crypto-coins have accrued to cover costs. I am currently renting out 1MH/s on scrypt algorithm per $50 USD value in initial investment. (Example: $100USD = $120 USD in two years max or $100USD = $220 USD in one year max) Up to 50 MH/s to be paid out daily until investment goal is reached. purchases over 50 MH/s are guaranteed 150% ROI or 220% ROI ( 150% up to two years and 220% up to one year max time frame)...message me or simply just donate to a good cause...I am trying to start a warehouse of miners and offer complete transparency once I am able to mine solo which will guarantee even more to everyone involved. Mining Contracts to be discussed according to amount of investment and investment goals of investors involved. Thanks

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This is all based on current market value and only mined coin/asset amounts can be somewhat guaranteed...US Dollar value is based on market