Witness parse Error : plugin_initialize

in mining •  9 years ago 

I have followed several guides t mine and I keep getting the same error. I currently have a windows 10 box mining ethereum and I wanted to mine Steem on it.

I keep getting: 





initminer public key: XXXXXICHANGEDXXXX

chain id: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000


946346ms th_a       main.cpp:119                  main                 ] Error parsing logging config from config file C:\steem\witness_node_data_dir\config.ini, using default config

946354ms th_a       main.cpp:158                  main                 ] parsing options

946358ms th_a       main.cpp:160                  main                 ] initializing node

946362ms th_a       main.cpp:162                  main                 ] initializing plugins

946388ms th_a       application.cpp:979           initialize_plugins   ] Initializing plugin account_history

946408ms th_a       application.cpp:979           initialize_plugins   ] Initializing plugin witness

946420ms th_a       witness.cpp:95                plugin_initialize    ] witness plugin:  plugin_initialize() begin

946449ms th_a       witness.cpp:165               plugin_initialize    ] 4 parse_error_exception: Parse Error

Unexpected char '-30' in ""


    th_a  json.cpp:433 fc::variant_from_stream


    th_a  json.cpp:478 fc::json::from_string

946479ms th_a       main.cpp:196                  main                 ] Exiting with error:

4 parse_error_exception: Parse Error

Unexpected char '-30' in ""


    th_a  json.cpp:433 fc::variant_from_stream


    th_a  json.cpp:478 fc::json::from_string



    th_a  witness.cpp:165 steemit::witness_plugin::witness_plugin::plugin_initialize


Can someone help me out here? 

I tried with all the Private keys I could find inside my steem wallet, which one should I use?


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  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Private key: Permissions -> Active (show)

If if you still get the same error, please paste your config.ini here removing the private key from it

mate, I try to generate my active private key going to where you have described above.

when i click show it asks me to login, i enter my password and it accepts it but it does not show my key. I have tried both my main password and posting private key.
Am i doing something wrong?

thanks for any help you can give me!

Why don't you try a different browser? Or maybe open and close it.

I use Chrome and I see my keys just fine.


Thanks for the reply, I have tried chrome and firefox but i the same thing happens.
and the old open and close trick was my go to! thanks anyway buddy


Chrome sometimes does weird things


  ·  9 years ago (edited)

How much steem do you make by mining in a day ballpark?

I have no idea! :)

Hi @r3b37 ,

Thank you for the reply!

I can confirm that is the key I am using. Here is the config file info ( do you need the whole thing?).

name of witness controlled by this node (e.g. initwitness )

witness = erik-prestinary

name of miner and its private key (e.g. ["account","WIF PRIVATE KEY"] )

miner = ["erik-prestinary",”5XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”]

Number of threads to use for proof of work mining

mining-threads = 1

witness = erik-prestinary
witness = "erik-prestinary"

and try to see the active private key from chrome browser

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

have you removed #'s from the config.ini file when adding your account information?

Yes I did remove them.