Hashflare cloudy mining. Review

in mining •  6 years ago 

Cloudy mining

Before considering the concrete service which is subject of this review it is worth reminding in brief that part of readers which was set by search of the answers concerning a mining for the first time that it actually represents.

The cloudy mining is the kind of investment into cryptocurrencies which is that the user leases the computing power, all profit on which goes to the client minus a service charge, at the platform.
From the moment of Bitcoin presentation, the number of the services offering a cloudy mining became threateningly big.

However, the considerable number of projects were roguish schemes or banal pyramids which initially had no desire to buy the equipment and to connect it to process of production of cryptocurrencies.

One of projects which endured many competitors and continuing to work honestly and competently in this difficult market is Hashflare.

Hashflare cloudy mining. Information on the company

Cloud Mining HashFlare is division of the HashCoin company.

This company stands at the origins of cryptocurrency branch and makes the equipment for a mining and also creates and places online services on the spaces and provides technical support.

HashCoin started in 2013 and developed in the chosen direction very actively. The powerful beginning was provided with money of founders, and development — competent work with investors and partners. Today more than 450 000 private and corporate clients use various services of the company.
As the division of HashFlare is engaged in software development for a cloudy mining and ensuring high-quality operation of the mayningovy equipment in the data-centers.

The mission of division – "Providing everyone with an opportunity to participate in a mining even at limited financial, technical capabilities and/or total absence of experience".

Mining with HashFlare.io. Registration and start

Start process differs in nothing special.

After filling of a registration form it is required to confirm registration through the letter sent to mail and to attentively study all conditions of future work.
Now it is required to get a digital purse on which charges from work of the acquired capacities will arrive. Options a little:

Online the purse supporting that currency in which payments in Heshflayer are made;
To create the account in a multipurse where for each currency own address will be generated;
To be registered at the cryptocurrency exchange and to substitute the address of the exchange account in the account.
All offered formats have the right for life and are actively used. On what specifically a money transfer format with Heshflayer to choose, the aims which are pursued by the user receiving coins influence.

After completion of preliminary procedures time to choose currency for production and the power which you are going to get came.

Reviews of a cloudy mining of HashFlare demonstrate that the offer of SCRYPT a mayner enjoys the greatest popularity of clients. The capacities working under this algorithm allow to maynit Litecoin and some other coins. But, at the moment the most favorable tariff, the most profitable at the minimum risk are SHA256.
It is necessary to understand that the user carries out signing of the contract on rent of the chosen volume of power placed on the party of the company of the equipment for a period of 1 year.

It is specified in terms of the contract acquired hashreyt and also tariffing of equipment maintenance during the reporting period.

Now we pass to determination of the power rented at HashFlare.

Profitability of HashFlare. Thin control of pools

HF suggests to attach the bought hashes to pools of one of types – BC, BW and SL.

The choice is made proceeding from the current situation in the sphere of a mining as there some tendencies were already outlined.

Estimation of pools nobody is engaged independently. For this purpose there are resources specialized online, for example, https://blockchain.info or https://btc.com giving relevant and exact information on the current efficiency of the pools working with an algorithm SHA-256.

For those who have capacities on an algorithm Scrypt reviews of HashFlare recommend https://www.litecoinpool.org/pools.

Forecasting of pools of Ethereum is carried out by the https://etherchain.org/statistics/miners platform.

For those who have no sufficient experience in assessment of subtleties of mayningovy pools HashFlare suggests to use the recommended pools, choosing the most high-speed.

At the moment – February, 2018 – profitability of pools on HashFlare is as follows:

Offers HF profitability to 120% per annum. Reviews of HashFlare confirm the figures dried by the project. We managed to collect some statistics among the participant of the project confirming HF assurances.
It is distributed on algorithms and on the average looks so:

SHA-256 — 120%;
Scrypt — 115%;
Eterhash — 90%;
X11 — 80%;
Equihash — 80%.
The analysis made by users, having serious capacities shows in the project that a similar ratio to remain in the next period, but can slightly vary depending on a market situation with cryptocurrencies and technical base Heshflayer.

Withdrawal of funds from HashFlare

Very many clients, in particular those who are registered quite recently torment users of thematic forums and support of the project with questions – "Why in my account function of withdrawal of funds is blocked?".

Such practice really takes place to be, but it is connected not with specific clients, and with some operations with accounts.

Freezing of function of a conclusion of coins is made for 14 calendar days for the purpose of an exception of roguish actions or theft of funds from the account when breaking.

Here the list of the situations conducting with freezing activation:

Change of the password. Malefactors can make such procedure for a conclusion of assets from the hacked account. Freezing gives time to the owner to report about a problem and to restore access;
Payment of the chosen contract by the credit card. Freezing is activated in case the issuing bank of the card will state that payment took place from the cracked card or by roguish actions of the third parties;
Change of the address for a conclusion of coins. This moment is important as breaking of the account with substitution of accounts of appointment can take place;
Referral purchases from credit cards. Schemes when swindlers created "the white account" were relevant for a blockchain of projects, and referral accounts filled up from broken payment and credit cards to earn reward. Freezing aims to prevent such schemes here.
This function is entered by the management of the project and registered as an indispensable condition of work with a cloudy mining of HashFlare.

Employees of support service and program administrators have no powers for removal of blocking or postponement of its action.

The sums to a conclusion:

Scrypt and SHA-256 which are removed in Bitcoin (BTC) – 0.05BTC;
ETHash is paid in Ethereum (ETH) – 0,1006ETH;
X11 is paid in Dash – 0.1003DASH;
Pay attention to a small share of a coin at the end of the sum - it is commission charge network for the translation which is already included in the minimum sum. Such minima for a conclusion are created deliberately as key trading floors and exchange automatic machines seldom accept smaller payments.
Process of a conclusion happens through the Private Office and represents a certain algorithm:

We press the Conclusion button;
To enter the sum which is planned to be removed;
To confirm action in compliance with instructions in the letter.
The cloudy mining of HashFlare does not support periodic automatic payments for safety.

Other projects quite often received the mass of negative comments when such payments ceased to come to clients in view of the fact that swindlers substituted the recipient's addresses.

Each withdrawal is followed obligatory by participation of the user and check of all requisites.

The determined time of payment is 1 hour from the moment of confirmation of a conclusion.

Any delays are the reason for the appeal to support service.

Separately. Any cryptotransfers of currency are made with payment of the commission of network. In view of a high agiotage on key coins, the network is overloaded with not carried out transactions hanging in view of the small commission specified by the sender. The first the translations with the bigger commission are processed. So service reserves the right to increase commission collecting up to the sizes allowing to perform operations within the hour determined by regulations.

Advantages of HashFlare.io

The review would be incomplete without definition of the list of key advantages before other platforms:

Efficiency. Activation of the acquired capacities is made in the first hour after payment and in 24 hours the first profit is already visible;
Availability. It is possible to get the smallest хэшрейт that will allow to start with the small sum and to increase investments;
Powerful pools. Connection to the TOP to pools allows to earn quickly reward from blocks and to pay the minimum commission;
Remote access. It is favorable as the client does not solve problems with placement of the equipment, payment of accounts for energy consumption, the solution of a question with the high noise level and ensuring working capacity;
Mobility. The client is free itself to choose pools for work and to throw capacities in any format for achievement of the maximum profit;
Referral program. For the attracted participants to a referer 10% of the power acquired by the partner are charged;
Protection. Service supports multi-factor authorization;
Reinvestment. Coins from the internal account can be enclosed in acquisition of new power under any algorithm;
Convenience. The interface is simple and is not persuasive, work of service is made the simplest;
Statistics. All information on work of contracts is collected in a convenient format and is available in real time;
Mining of key coins. A tariff allow to get the most demanded coins – BTC, LTC, DASH, ETH, Zcash;
Simple conclusion. At a set of the sum, minimum for a conclusion, it is possible to create a zayaka on withdrawal every day;
Competent and first-line support. Operators work in the mode 24/7.

HashFlare.io shortcomings

It is impossible to call following shortcomings of full understanding of a word as they do not pose threat to security of means, but the users leaving comments about HashFlare note the discontent quite so:

Manual payments. Many complaints arrive on lack of automatic payments, as in other projects. The administration of times also rather rigidly commented on it and noted that to spend 2-5 minutes for drawing up the application for payment and its confirmation it is safer, than to complain of breaking or substitution of payment requisites;
Sluggishness. It is quite often noted that the website could work quicker, but ensure full functioning of the platform having more than 400 000 clients, having made it safe moreover and fast it is extremely difficult, without introduction of additional collecting from clients.

In conclusion

Financial and cryptocurrency analysts agree in opinion that the era of cryptocurrencies is at a starting stage and its development will be even more effective.

As the mining is used for safety and support of operability of cryptocurrency ecosystems, the active growth of number of new networks maintains demand for the high-quality mayningovy equipment and a reliable cloudy mining.

At further development of branch in a similar key, development is guaranteed to the HashFlare service.


registration according to this reference.

Also I leave the reference to registration in the project on a cloudy mining of AlienCloud (the review in the previous post)


Posted using Partiko Android

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I've used Hashflare to mine Zcash and the service was pretty easy to use. I enjoyed it. The only thing I did not enjoy was the timing of my purchase and the subsequent tanking of the price haha

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I had very bad experiences with hashflare last year and advise everyone against it.
Hodl coins in a bull market is a lot more effective.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment