Merge mining with SEDO PoW Token

in mining •  6 years ago 


About SEDO

A key feature of S.E.D.O. is its modular architecture, whose components are built with flexibility and performance. The following can be distinguished from the main modules:

  • Core (SEDO Core) – provides the basic functionality of the system and is responsible for the interaction of the modules with each other;
  • SEDO Temporarily Storage (STS) – ensures the transfer of documents between network participants via the P2P protocol;
  • SEDO Service Bus (SSB) – an integration bus that provides system interaction with third-party applications;
  • EDMS (SDMS) – a module that provides the basic functionality of an electronic document management system

In the designed System, all participants will be able to work together with documents, fixing and checking all operations. Operations with documents are grouped into blocks and stored distributed between network participants. The preservation of documents is guaranteed by constant verification of subsequent transactions.

We have developed search strategies for leading brands to small and medium sized businesses across many industries in the UK and worldwide.

Merge mining, gas optimizations and letting small miners mine

Pools and solo miners will be able to set a difficulty factor. High difficulty factors will let mining pools save ethereum costs on gas by batching mints and small miners will be able to make many small on chain mint requests for micro blocks.

Some technical train of thoughts below:

Set a difficulty factor

  • For my pool I will choose 10
  • For a small miner you may want 1/100
  • This is settable once per miner address and cannot be changed (This fixes the bonkers difficulty gaming issue that the pools had)

When you call merge you include the nonce you just mined with

You have to call merge before mining the 0xbitcoin block

The token contract takes the challenge from the 0xbitcoin contract

It mints and compares the target based on the difficulty factor

The contract rewards tokens based on the difficulty ratio factor

  • Big pools can save gas by setting a big mining multiple
  • Small mines can mine tiny chunks at a time Mining Pool


Minting: 0x363b5534Fb8b5F615583C7329C9ca8ce6eDaF6e6

Payments: 0xdD93Cfb9ABB42F21f8c6D9e9beF2C4F94d7c898A

Token Mining Pool Developed by the 0xBitcoin Community (GNU PUBLIC LICENSE). A pool for mining RC20 Tokens CSS Colors:

  • improve colors
  • more workers (jsonrpc listeners?)
  • two eth accounts .. xfers and mints
  • separate geth
  • why does it say 'Reply:OK' ??

BASIC SETUP (needs Node8)

  1. npm install -g node-gyp
  2. sudo apt-get install build-essential
  3. npm install
  4. npm run webpack #(to build the website files)
  5. rename 'sample.account.config.js' to 'account.config.js' and fill it with the pool's ethereum account data
  6. install redis-server and make sure it is running
  7. Edit pool.config.js to your tastes
  8. Edit the website files in /app to change the look of the website
  9. npm run server #(or npm run server test for Ropsten test net)


  1. Point a poolminer at your pool using http://localhost:8586 (or ipaddress:8586 or (make sure firewall allows this port)
  2. View website interface at http://localhost:3000 (you can set up nginx to serve the static files in /public)

Installing Redis

  1. sudo apt-get install redis
  2. sudo service redis-server start
  3. Redis will serve/connect at localhost:6379 by default - the pool will use this port

Redis Commands

LRANGE broadcasted_payments 0 -1


Add more clustering/workers and more JSONRPC/socket ports to handle heavy loads
Make sure good solns ARE BEING TRANFERRED

Download Windo Nvidia HashburnerV3 Miner
Download Windo Nvidia Azlehria Miner
Download AMD MVI Miner

Start Mining 0xBitcoin Guide

How to mine the 0xBitcoin Ethereum Token?

Mining 0xbitcoin (0xBTC) with multiple nvidia GPUs

Mining tutorial for MVis-tokenminer on 0xBitcoin


This page describes the miner for 0xBitcoin. For the regular ethereum miner, click here.

This is a fork of my MVis-ethminer program, which was a fork of Genoil's ethminer-0.9.41-genoil-1.x.x.

  • This miner should work with any GPU that supports OpenCL, ie. pretty much all AMDs and most NVidia.
  • Windows binaries can be downloaded from the Releases page, or you can build from source (see below).
  • For Linux, the only option at present is to build from source. See the instructions below.
  • This miner supports both pool mining and solo mining. If you want to mine solo, you either need to run your own node, or use a public one like the ones Infura provides.
  • When in pool mining mode, a 1.0% dev fee is in effect. Every 4 hours it switches to 'dev fee mining' for a short period of time, based on the percent.

YouTube Tutorial :

  • Unzip the download package anywhere you like.
  • Open up tokenminer.ini using any text editor and set the following configuration items:
  • For Pool Mining, you need to specify your mining pool and your ETH address.



  • All other settings in the [0xBitcoin] section can be left as is.

  • You can also specify the pool mining address on the command line (-N). See below for all command line options.

  • If your mining pool supports the stratum protocol, change the RPCPort=8586 line to StratumPort=9192. Consult with your mining pool for the actual port # to use.
    For Solo Mining:

  • Input an ETH account and associated private key.

  • You can specify the address and port of your node in the .ini file, or on the command line.

  • You can enable gas price bidding. (see comments in the file). Note that enabling this feature does not guarantee that you will win every bid. Network latency will sometimes result in failed transactions, even if you 'out-bid' the other transaction.

  • You can leave the .INI file in the executable folder, or you can move it to C:\Users[USER]\AppData\Local\tokenminer on Windows, or $HOME/.config/tokenminer on Linux. If that folder path does not exist, you will need to create it manually. If for some reason that file exists at both locations, the one in the executable folder will take precedence.

  • WINDOWS ONLY: download and install both the VC 2013 Redistributable and the VC 2015 Redistributable

  • Double-click on the file list-devices.bat. Examine the screen output and verify your GPU's are recognized. Pay special attention to the PlatformID. If it is anything other than 0, you will need to edit the start-mining.bat file and change the --opencl-platform argument.

  • Start POOL MINING by double-clicking on start-mining.bat.

  • Start SOLO MINING with tokenminer.exe -S -G. This assumes you've specified the node address in the .INI file.

  • COOLING: Please note that MVis-tokenminer does not have any features to set fan speeds or regulate cooling, other than shutting down if things get too hot. Usually the AMD drivers do a pretty good job in that regard, but sometimes they don't. It is your responsibility to monitor your fan speeds and GPU temperatures. If the AMD drivers aren't setting fan speeds high enough, you may need to use a 3rd part product, like Speedfan or Afterburner.

Configuration Details

MVis-tokenminer is partially configured via command line parameters, and partially by settings in tokenminer.ini. Run tokenminer --help to see which settings are available on the command line. Have a look inside the .ini file to see what settings can be configured there. (It is fairly well commented). Some settings can only be set on the command line (legacy ones mostly), some settings can only be set in the .ini file (newer ones mostly), and some can be set in both. For the last group, command line settings take precedence over the .ini file settings.

Building on Windows

  • download and install Visual Studio 2015. This project requires the v120 toolset. See this Stack Overflow question to make sure the v120 toolset gets installed onto your system.
  • download and install CMake
  • download or clone this repository into a folder. Let's call it <mvis_folder>.
  • run getstuff.bat in the extdep folder.
  • open a command prompt in <mvis_folder> and enter the following commands. (Note: the string "Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64" is not a typo.)

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64" ..

Visual Studio

  • Use Visual Studio to open mvis-tokenminer.sln located in the build directory.
  • Visual Studio may offer to convert the project files from 2013 format to 2015 format. Do not accept this!! Click Cancel to keep the projects using the VS2013 toolset.
  • Set tokenminer as the startup project by right-clicking on it in the project pane.
  • Build. Run


LtTofu and other miner software developers on Discord, for their kernel optimizations.


Donations can be made to to mining-visualizer.eth (0xA804e933301AA2C919D3a9834082Cddda877C205)

S.E.D.O. — Document workflow on blockchain. Advanced PoW/merge mining token based on Ethereum.

With all their advantages, classic electronic document workflow systems don’t provide an absolute reliability and data integrity at least because that data is able to be managed by the business manager and the group of system administrators. Sure, we usually trust them, but in terms of security (of large complexes and government structures, for example), our sole trust just isn’t enough. Moreover, one can steal an eSignature key or force a human to make changes, sign them and push them to the already published document.

But the development of informatization allowed to implement the long-cherished dream of mankind — to automate and manage processes related to interaction of humans and documents, to speed up delivery of information, collection of statistics and reports. The newborn project SEDO offers an implementation.

SEDO Project has a SEDO POW TOKEN ERC20/ERC918 token launched in Ethereum network, which uses PoW and merged mining technologies that are new to Ethereum-based tokens.

The entire roadmap may be splitted in 2 parts: before creating the own blockchain and making a swap and after. This is done on purpose, the developer team dislike the idea of an ICO and thus is providing an opportunity to earn some tokens by mining them or freely buying SEDOcoin off an exchange.

The open-source CUBA.platform engine will be used for building SEDO EDS. This is a time-tested solution which is popular among developers and their customers around the globe. It allows to rapidly create the needed applications from scratch and has a big community and great suport staff.

The final product will offer more advantages compared to the classic document workflow systems:

  • Increasing information security
  • Increasing the transparency of internal operations
  • Decreasing expedition costs
  • Saving the time wastes
  • Saving the history of changes for each file and concomitant documentation.

In this week launched our own mining pool for convenience of miners, because solo mining on GPUs or even small farms could already be hard due to the increasing difficulty.

It is also planned to bring SEDO on such exchanges like Yobit, Crex24 and some of the DEXes.


Graviex SEDO\BTC (BTC and ETH)


Tradex.One SEDO\ETH






White Paper:

Posted by
Name: Enuy007
Profile Link:;u=2430891
Eth address: 0x524a74e68a6371bFa9cDa31869DE426780DAe2D5

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