Many people have multi accounts, you need to know some coding and you can basically create them for free. This puts those without coding at a disadvantage for sure. Many of the accounts are follow bots, many people have bots working creating shit posts across many accounts. Many have bot accounts that write stuff like 'nice post', 'thanks for the information' and follow a few users etc... Many accounts are not used as well. Many users have 1 or 2 but some users literally have 100's.
As for the free accounts made without coding you get from signing up they are restricted and manually approved but it doesn't stop all the multi ones made.
Steemit has many problems but that's why the community has stepped up with groups to try and help users. I choose to stay around because of the few who put effort into the platform.
Thanks for this insight. Though it’s really disappointing :(
Do you think Steemit will do anything to eliminate the multiple fake accounts in future??? Otherwise Things are hopeless with the scenario you have described.
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Sorry for all the doom and gloom. The answer is no though. The way blockchains work means no one can delete them. The only thing that can stop it is the community downvoting the accounts either manually or through bots. This would be expensive to do however :( many people do downvote like this though at great financial cost to themselves and try to help the platform so there is hope. @steemcleaners is the biggest group that do this and they have turned the platform around already. Much work to be done though :/
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No worries. Truth is truth. Thanks a lot for sharing genuine and honest information.
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I know it can be really tough. But remember that steemit isn't just about getting your post read, in order to do that you also need to do things like this, asking genuinely for feedback, engaging with others, go to discord, comment a lot. Like every start you're probably not going to reader's digest but guess what, you might! One thing you must to do is to keep posting, but the most important thing to do is to meet new people and join great communities, there are lots of them. Try looking around for the tags that you use, and the subjects that you like to write about.
I have the same concerns as you, maybe our efforts are not being seen that much now, but it's kind of a social experiment and within a great platform, the only remaining thing to for us to do is to create our best quality content and try to get it out there, but like I said, you can see steemit as 50% creating quality content and 50% engaging (comments, discord, new communities, contests). I can see that you're doing pretty good actually! Cheers and have a great weekend.
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Thank you very much for your kind thoughts and positive advice. I understand what you are saying.
Wishing you all the best.
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My pleasure :)
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I just started following you now :)
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"the community has stepped up with groups to try and help users"
Hmm, hi, not passive agressive or anything i'm just a new user and would like to know what do you mean, what groups are you talking about?
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steemcleaners are the main group but there are many anti-spam bots. If you want to truly learn about everything involving steemit you would need to take a degree, I research into it regularly but have only scratched the surface of the big ocean.
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Thank you. I actually have more background in systemic optimization, and am really serious about empowering humanity through blockchain. It's definitely not Kin and steemit might not be it either, but i'm really grateful for all the work establishing these systems and figuring them out. At some point i'll need to consult witu thought leaders from these communities to better analyze the needs and how the nextgen will answer that. F9r now, i'm glad i can be learning and contributing here, and that my contributions be blockchain secured... :)
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