MinnowMondays Challenge Post - #newbieresteemday GiveAway!!

in minnowmondays •  7 years ago 


#MinnowMondays Giveaway!

In light of winning $5 SBD in @fibrefox's #newbieresteemday Bingo Game I want to pay it forward to a newbie!

@davemccoy asked What Prize You'd Like and I have to say this was my favorite comment:


SO that's what we're doing! The winner will have their choice of having 50 SP delegation for 2 weeks to help with bandwidth issues - OR - a Lifetime Membership to SteemBasicIncome.

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I will be doing this every other week
in my #MinnowMondays post for a total of 5 PRIZES!

I will choose a "theme" on the off week so Newbies can create a post during the following week as a response, if they choose - and also to keep the judging as fair as possible. I will accept any type of post including d.tube and d.sound entries and will be randomly choosing a winner from a pool of all relevant entries.


  • Drop the link to your relevant post in comments section of my #MinnowMondays post
  • UPVOTE is NOT Necessary
  • You must read, comment and resteem ONE FELLOW NEWBIE'S ENTRY


(DEADLINE: March 11th | Winner to be Announced March 12th)


  • does not have to be original music but certainly can be
  • share an inspiring song you love and tell us why
  • highlight a favorite artist or genre of music even
  • rave about what music means to you
  • should schools teach more music
  • did playing an instrument change your life?
  • can music change the world?
  • the ideas are really endless - as long as it's related to music in some way I will include it in the Prize Pool

Now, Go Forth and Create Awesome Content!

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Very nice contest idea, and seems to be very easy for people to participate in. Very nice job.

thank you @bashadow ! I wanted to just give it away but I need parameters lol I hope to be fair and random just like the Bingo game

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hey @mariespeaks, awesome contest you have there! It's really easy to think and write about. Who doesn't love music!?

The moment I saw your contest, immediately I know what to write and this entire posts flows like water. I completed it in 20 minutes but it is full of my emotions and feelings. I hope this befits your contest :)

@tifaong thank you for your submission! I'm so happy you were inspired to pump out post for this! I'm headed over there to check it out right now 😀

Yeah, music is my inspiration and relaxes me whenever I'm stressed. Thank you for choosing this theme :)

me too! I love music :) I love the way you dissected the song lyrics and talkes about your interpretation too that is the same format I was imagining 😊 I may do one if I find the time lol just for fun

Hi there. Just finding time to stop by. :) I'm only 4 days behind, that's not too too bad, hehe.

LOL! thanks for stopping by @beeyou ! and don't worry about it! I'm behind too lol trying to do some catch up this morning