3 Minnows That Rocked Steemit From Scratch & Making the Pareto Distribution Work For You

in minnows •  7 years ago  (edited)

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash


There are some people that may feel like steemit is unfair and that it is impossible for a new user to make a decent amount of money participating on the blockchain.

I don't blame them, at the end of the day, it's much easier to blame the system than to question our actions or simply persevere...and the reality is that it is unfair...but that shouldn't stop you from succeeding.

Understanding Normal Distribution VS Pareto Distribution

After watching this video, you should have a better understanding of that graph...


Beware of People Who Promise to Make the System "Fairer"

There are well-meaning people who think that we can flatten out that curve to make the system "fairer". We should pursue that as much as that can be pursued without destroying the platform BUT believing that we can make a system that doesn't create a pareto distribution is foolishness. Blame it on God if you want but we will never be able to get rid of that natural phenomena.

What You Should Do...

What you should do is to embrace reality and do what those who are climbing on that distribution does. No need to reinvent the wheel, be activists or lobbying for a different system. Basically, don't do what most people do and do what the few successful minnow did.


There are hundreds of people who joined last June 2016 and succeeding at making a decent income from Steemit. Here are some examples:

@progressivechef - Joined June 2017 - Account value $20,713.79 US

ProgressiveChef use to comment a lot on my blog, enough for me to keep tabs on him and see what he is up to. This guy has some has one thing going for him: perseverance. The guy was relentless at participating on the platform. He could have quit many times but he kept networking. Now he does the STEEMIT IRON CHEF 2018 which is quite popular and cool.

@dontstopmenow - Joined June 2017 - Account value $25,425.08 US

I noticed @dontstopmenow a while back when, even with his minnow account had the highest % of return on curation. This guy has been all in from the beginning and now he's making a living with steem and trying to help the people of Venezuela through Steemit.com

@malicered - Joined June 2017 - Account value $1,940 + ~around $20,000 US that he is trading

MaliceRed is a really cool dude and he is also a serious hustler. Not only is he an amazing graphic designer but he is involved in @privex, offering server for witness as well as pioneering the STEEM MARINES project which aim at advertising STEEM within the Warhammer 40k community.


Most of those people didn't see results for a few months after joining the platform. They got to know people, found ways to add value and persevered all the way until they've achieved a relatively comfortable level of success.

Looking forward to your comments...

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Nothing is a bigger turnoff than when people I'm surrounded by complain that everything is unfair. They blame all of their problems in life on their family, the government, whoever. I remove those people from my life immediately. There's a serious lack of personal responsibility for ones actions that I'm seeing nowadays and it really bothers me at my core.

I just joined Steem this month.. well, actually this week. So I'm very late to this game compared to you and those you listed above. I still see a ton of value and room for growth in this platform - hell, Steemit only has about 50-55k daily active users, in terms of social media that's nothing and would be considered a failure compared to other platforms.

I see an undervalued asset in Steem (yes, even at $5-6) so I'm going to keep investing trading profits. I see opportunities to earn Steem and grow my presence on the platform, so I'm going to dedicate the time to creating content and building relationships.

I appreciate the post because where others may see your list and immediately jump to "well, they got lucky because ..." creating a million reasons why they can't replicate the success - I (and hopefully many others) see the list and think "damn those are good returns for 6-7 months on Steem, will be back in the fall for my shoutout post @cryptoctopus" ;)

Also, Jordan Peterson vid = instant upvote.


Thank you for introducing me to So You're Saying (I guess I've been under a rock the last week) and making my night. Jordan B. Peterson strikes again! :D

And I agree with your points. As someone who joined just over a week ago, I've been inspired by the successes I've seen on this network - they demonstrate two key things: that work is required, and that work is rewarded. At the end of the day all a reasonable person can ask is to be rewarded for effort. The people I see who are really putting in their time on Steemit are reaping the benefits, and to me that's as fair as it gets.

Excuse me fellow minnow, I'm stealing that meme. I actually cracked out loud in here.
That said, I was actually wondering about that very same thing. Am I too late for the party? Are all kegs empty already?

I like to think that Steemit has just stopped breastfeeding and still has a wild journey ahead.

In many ways, the wealth distribution curve on Steemit reminds me of the discussions that the first Internet bloggers had -- 20% of the bloggers were getting 80% of the page views (the classic Pareto distribution that you mention), and the very biggest A-list bloggers were getting a very disproportionate share of the audience. The bigger you were, the easier it was to get bigger. And the converse is true as well.

These so-called "power laws" are, indeed, a phenomena in nature as much as on the Internet or blockchain... In fact, the first post I ever wrote on Steemit mentioned the Pareto distribution and wealth in a blockchain world. Haha - that post made $0.01. But I'm inspired by the examples of Steemit users that you cited who persevered, hung in there, and started to reap the rewards. Onward and upward!

Interesting, interesting.
What you are talking about is a ​pure reality. I watched the Video
And understood the chart.

Well when I am allowed to make a comparison from the profession I am in: professional Soccer I see the same. And as the man in the video sad it's an econmic law. There are people who lose​, and people who win.

For example, ​only one team can win the Champion League, only one team can win the world cup but many are fighting for it.

In some of my posts, I am​ mostly writing about empowerment and psychological stuff I am always telling people to use the resources​ they have and try to make the best of it instead of complaining that the system is wrong and unfair.

Of course, ​some people had an advantage. But constantly crying and complaining will not make the state better.

Let's try to give our best with that what we have.
This is my opinion :)

That indeed is very encouraging!! Hearty congratulations to all these people for all the hard work and effort they put in!!

Yes well said @cryptoctopus, thank you for that encouragement, outside making extra cash on steemit, the community is a social media like you said where we ve got to relate with other steemians all over the world, it is hard for people to respond to chats simply because they think you want them to upvote you which is wrong and that isn't fair. I use my blog for music cover, i m not doing badly but i still need the help of others to get things right, but everybody is mute.

That's awesome. I've joined Steemit around the same time and I'm around $10,000 between the money I have on the platform and what I'm trading. I think I'm just now hitting my stride. I'm not a great writer or don't have anything I've been specializing in, but I think i've found my community and am hoping to catch and pass these individuals in the next 6 months.

I joined back in June 2017 in the hopes to change my life up, it was a bate getting to where I am today but my hard work is sleepless starting to pay off . As of today my account balance holds at 27K and of course I took 3-4 K out when my son was born . Every time I want to give up, I remind myself that I am doing this for him.

Even though I never get 100$ on a post , I hope I do one day


One can't achieve everything in a day, so we have to be patient and kept on working sincerely. It's really encouraging and congratulations to these Steemians. I think steemit is not unfair. I think we all have posted a lot of good content on Facebook, we haven't earned that much that we have earned on steemit. So keep calm and work hard.

1st time ever i heard about pareto distribution & jordan peterson well described it, then i understood how these people made that success. it's an impressive success. most of us blame to the steemit platform & reward system. but these people changed that history & provided a nice lesson. a well motivational article & valuable topic to discuss. you are a very helpful whale. otherwise no one will share the secret behind those success stories. @cryptoctopus


@cryptoctopus - Sir after watching the video I understood what's the relation between Pareto distribution & Steemit success stories... Creativity, Presentation ability, Knowledge & Innovation, Sir I think those are the success factors of you mentioned peoples' stories... Inspirational video & article Sir... Learn a lesson... Thank you Sir...
Congratulations for the people who made a success story with this wonderful blockchain Sir...


To be honest, I do feel that Steem is pretty fair. Sure, a lot of articles probably took a lot of time to write and they might be very well written and still not get a lot of attention, even after having spent some time on the platform. Still, I am a firm believer that if one does simply engage in discussions and show appreciation for other good posts, then someone will check out your blog, and when they do, some of them will upvote your good posts and some of them will follow you. Sure, their votes might not be worth much, but as your account grows, so will theirs and so will their voting power. In the end, I think the solution is to just keep producing quality content and accept that success doesn't always come over the night.

There are some people that may feel like steemit is unfair and that it is impossible for a new user to make a decent amount of money participating on the blockchain.

I used to think the same way, complaining about whales selling their upvotes but then I saw some good ones like you, Stella Bella and Surpassinggoogle and didn't leave the platform. If minnows want to earn money, they can simply do a lot of stuff on utopian.io. That's what I am doing. I upload one or two tutorials daily in my own native language and along with that, I try to write two good posts a week. Like earn money from utopian by submitting your contributions along with engaging with the community.
Yesterday, I wrote a post about an art exhibition, took some pictures there and it took me 4 hours to resize all the pictures and then posting all that stuff. yes, I didn't get too many upvotes but still, engaging and sharing what you the community what you have to share with the community should be given priority.
We have utopian that's paying people for their work. I myself have earned more than my salary last month, same thing will happen this month and I might be able to leave my job after 3 or 4 months and spend my time on Steemit.
Imagine if we have hundreds of platforms like utopian in the next few months, will we be needing a job and work like a slave? That's what we have to let all know who are leaving.

Some great tips and a good vision for you. Hope it all works out. I too want to make this a career, just me and my camera

I stopped trying to become succesful on Steemit for a while now and see it for what it really is; a social experiment based on a business model. Even though I dislike the great resemblance with the outside world, being who owns the most has the biggest vote, I do love the opportunity of being here. Without Steem I wouldn't been introduced to this whole Blockchain world, something that will be entangled with me for the rest of my life, advocating what it means for the world. Not to forget to mention that it will make me a millionaire ;)

Life has started to get in the way for me, but thanks for the reminder to keep it up, and get my nose back to the stone!

Would we want a world where scientists were all "equal" or do we want to live in a world where there are a few Nikola Teslas?

Buckminster Fuller pointed out that is the top of the top of the top scientists that move the entire society forward.

A hundred normal scientists do not equal one Nikola Tesla.
A hundred normal engineers do not equal one Bucky Fuller.

Instead of working for equality, we should a two pronged approach.
Raising the minimum standard of living. Across the board.
And push the best into positions where they can perform the best they can. (which usually means keeping them fed, and giving them a lot of freedom)

You are absolutely correct! I also joined last June and I had no idea how this platform works. Sometimes you might noted once I commented your post with misunderstand of Curation Trails! I am still learning, every day I am learning the beauty of this platform. I also earned more than 10,000+ USD and I had to sold most of my earnings while SBD at $1. Otherwise it's definitely 15,000 USD +.
This platform is a life changing platform for me. And becomes my main source of income to live the life!
I have had countless sleepless nights with STEEMIT, but with that hard works I could write this success story today.
Don't get misunderstand about what I am writing, I also learning English too.
Finally congratulations for all success stories you shared! I know you also got a huge success story with STEEMIT too! Very inspirational message you shared today! That's why I decided to give my contribution, I have a success story about STEEMIT too!


Hi @cryptoctopus, yes you are right, perseverance is the key to success here, just need to get going. Post quality posts, comments, participate and engage regularly with other steemians. What most important is to strive and focus on what I want to achieve here. Hopefully all is well in the end.

ay ay!

O wow, thank you for the vote @gentlebot

Very kind!

All right, so the main takeaway from this video and post - PERSEVERE no matter what! hands (1).png

I don't think system is unfair....i joined steemit on 27 November... in these two month i'm making good money ...my account value is 6000 $ ...i invested only 3000$ in steem...i daubled my money in just 2 months...It takes time but if you give up after 10-15 day it won't work ....i never heard that someone get success in 10 days... the early adopters deserve this because they never gave up.

I agree with you on the 2nd part...success here takes work, as it should most anywhere. However, I disagree on your first point in that I see complete shit content posts & picture posts get upvoted by whales & bots. I think STEEM was created with the concept of rewarding valuable content & curation, but instead seems to be a game of getting bots & whales to follow and auto-upvote you. I think things would be a little better if bots & auto-voting weren't allowed. The worthy content should rise to the top entirely by the community, and not influenced by programs & algorithms.

yes man, that bots, whales to follow and auto-upvote embarrass me.I think reward compatition and challange is better way for steemit.

congratulations to all who manage not to be from the heavens since they can work from computers without causing them vercualisticas things. rains of blessed in the clouds delreves in the vast skies

you did not invest $3000, you gambled $3000. If losing that $3000 will hurt you, then take that $3000 off the table ASAP.

LOl...when i bought steem at 4.10 then its price suddenly drops to 2.14.... Steem/ steemit has more value than its price ...you will understand it later..

What you should do is to embrace reality and do what those who are climbing on that distribution does. No need to reinvent the wheel, be activists or lobbying for a different system. Basically, don't do what most people do and do what the few successful minnow did.

This is the basic truth about how things are going on in steemit. Most people think you can just start earning big immediately you join and when they start their journey and they are hit with obstacles like getting few upvotes or less attention they tend to back out and say the community isn't fair..

For you to get recognized you have to add meaningful contributions to the community, make friends, be consistent and create unique and great post.

As for me, I might not post everyday but I always engage with the community and drop comments on any post I read.

I'm here for the community and ready to stay.

Love Jordan B. Peterson, on my old blog before I came over to Steemit I actually wrote an article based on this very talk. And something I have observed that when it comes to Steemit and social media, the typical Pareto principle 20/80 I wouldn't say apply. I would call it the 1/99 principle.

Another implication from that is that you won't know as a minnow when it's going to take off before it actually does. Because when you hit that critical mass, the effects are incredibly exponential, and as humans we tend to think linearly.

Otherwise, if you're into travelling, vlogs, fitness, self-development etc feel free to check out my channel, in any case keep up the good work and I'll see you around!

90/10 is a 80/20 of an 80/20,
99/1 is a 80/20 of a 90/10.
The pareto principle is fractal in nature. :-)

Hey @cryptoctopus ???? Listen

One thing i learn from your post is pareto chart .. well done bro

Never thought of that, solid thinking my friend 🙏🏼

It's like learning to play a new video game, the second time you play, you do better than the first and the more you play the better you get until you max out your skill then you stop getting better.

Most of those people didn't see results for a few months after joining the platform. They got to know people, found ways to add value and persevered all the way until they've achieved a relatively comfortable level of success.

I joined steemit September 2017, first month was like hell, like seriously the name said blog and earn and still am yet to earn a cent, subscribing my internet every week so as to stay online, but soon got to realize that the only way to earn on steemit was via interaction with other users.

Making a high standard post alone wont get you anything, although you might see some reward here and there probably randomly, but the real earning comes from those you build relationship with, after-all steemit is run by humans just like you and me, not automated bots.

My advise to new users would be consistency do pay, be consistent with what ever you do and try build relationships forget about the millions write-up you make a day but focus on building relationship with other users.

I love reading the experiences of the minows @progressivechef @dontstopmenow @malicered and the video perfectly explained the distribution where if we can grow depends on us to insist and persisitir with our publications I was won if I can continue to grow in steemit.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

well good to see your post and give me a new hope and motivate me from these 3 guys history
you are right and i am fully agree with you that many of us thinkg , we cannot do it and its impossible for a new user like us to make a decent amount of money
if i say true, i also thought like this but now i can change my thinking on it to read your post, and sure try to do best like these three guys with my best attitude, good work ,give some more time and a better confidence @cryptoctopus
every one has some ablities but some time we dont see and confuse on some points and dont give more time to think that we cannot do it, but your post is good for all them who still not see thier abilities and not try to do best and dont give more time ..
hope they all work hard with good attitude and stick on thier work and will not be upset if they dont get good result in some days or months,, only stick thier aims and try to do best

I joined too in June 2017, got hooked and intrigued and I think I've been pretty lucky and blessed so far. But yeah, I do get some of the criticism. Things can be hard to understand at times, I found it sometimes difficult to see a carefully crafted blog post only get a few views. Nevertheless, even if you join today, have no real social media experience or massive following on other channels, even if you think you're too young (or too old): it's NOT impossible to make it big here. It's not easy, not everybody succeeds, but if you really want it, you're determined and you have an open mindset you definitely can make it BIG here.

You are right, themore time pass the harder it’s is to get noticed. That’s why I am really putting almost all of my day here on steemit so I can grow my profile and eventually be considered a dolphin.

Hard work always pays off!

A great post @cryptoctopus.

I wrote a post similar to this today. The distribution pool of the top account is actually getting less. The Whales and the Orcas went from a 84% share to 82% share in the last quarter (based upon MVests held). This is an 8% annual drop.

Of course, some of the comments were such that people were saying the system is unfair. I even noted that the Whales were not "lucky" but took advantage of opportunities. It took balls to buy STEEM at 6 cents after it dropped from a few dollars....there was a time when it looked like STEEM was done...to buy means one deserves the merits of this decision.

Jealousy is a powerful thing. Of course, the ones who commented about the system not being fair were on it less than two months.

What a surprise.

There is not need to change the system....steem will end up being more equally distributed as time goes by....the reward system is designed that way.

I think the best thing to do is to take ones eyes off earnings and focus more on making friends and establishing an impact here, if that is achieved one can successfully drive the route to success.

Great post. People who complain and blame others, often times playing the role of victim. They need to take responsibility for their actions and results. You get what you put in.


Hey cryptoctopus,

Thank you for sharing it.It is such an encouraging stuff. You are totally right, there is nothing like easy success. You have to persever and grind for it. If you just keep going and your today is better than yesterday then you can do anything.
It just reminded me of my philosophy of life and I think it totally fits here.

Life is a marathon and day is a sprint.

So it is like keep posting on steemit and you will grow slowly as if it is a marathon and use your one day as a sprint and intereact/comment with other users as much as possible.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

i also joined steemit in july and not struggle more to thought that here successable people only who wcich have lot of invest otherwise not possible but now i have a good example to start with my best and increase my income in steemit......sure every one do evey thing and not impossible in world
thanx to reminde and give me a better hope because we know everything but some time we forget it and we need a reminder with good example in which some tell us that we need to give more time and try to hardwrok and more better if we want to get big success and your examples are too much for me and also all who are reading this post

Love hearing about people crushing it on Steemit...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

In general, the Pareto Principle is a subset of Pareto distributions. It’s generally known as the “80 - 20 Rule”. Examples include:

Business sales - 20% of clients are responsible for 80% of revenues
Wealth distribution - 20% of the population control 80% of the wealth
I think Pareto distribution is a human construct. The example given (profit of items) is only because human nature chooses so. This is also true for income, access to healthcare and justice. If you are on the “spike” (the “good side”), of course you want to bring over the best ones to your side of the fence. If you are on the “spike” you really don’t want to “shift the whole thing”. Nature is “Bell” , human beings are “Pareto”.

You claim it to be a human construct but as the video proves, if you run the simulation over and over the same results occur. This would tend to be natural and that humans choose this way because of a genetic predisposition to do so (as in nature vs nurture). If the outcome was varied it may be because of lack of accurate data or that action/thought/system is not natural and does not fall into a pattern.

exactly. Like the video says, even distribution of stars in the heavens and distribution of gas in a vacuum follow that pattern. It's just baked in the fabric of reality.

I understand where you are driving at sir. But sometimes, the reputation matters! Most whales do not read contents of post with low reputation and most of us do write good stuffs, even more than the ones with high reputation.
I'm glad you did this post, seriously it shows you appreciate consistency and hardwork and you have minnows in mind. Thank you @cryptoctopus

But please don’t fall into the victim mentality. If you worry what someone else is doing or getting or whatever you are using energy on things you cannot control instead of the things you can, such as your own content and network.

20% of your clothes will be used 80% of the time too


That's why I buy Hanes X-Temp Tshirts. That's all I ever wear. I don't need expensive fancy clothes. Why spend $50 on a shirt that you wear a few times a year?

I do not believe this is so.

I feel that the Pareto principal is a direct result of the bell curve.
To do anything well, you have to have passion.
To do anything well, you have to put in much practice.
To do anything well, you have to have a natural talent for it.

If you have passion, natural talent and really practice at something you are much, much, much better than everyone else at that thing.

If you take the opposite people, it doesn't matter which parts they do not have, they are equally bad compared to the best. Or, basically, make up the long tail

Basically, a few above average attributes puts you head and shoulders above the crowd.
It is very easy to get to 80/20.

Maybe you weren't paying attention. They ran Mathematical and Physical Models that had exact same outcome, unless gravity and math are just "Human Constructs"

I'm so inspired after reading this article, i feel i can reach the stars, steemit is my breath of fresh air, the only hope left for poor people like us,, thanks again for sharing this motivation, and congrats to all successors

the simple truth is that

rome isnt built in a day

no one came into steemit as a whale and everyone worked for his popularity and steem power.

some days ago i came across a picture of @surpassingoogle's post where almost all big names like @nanzo-scoop, @kevinwong, @shaka, @lukestrokes and all other whales upvoted a post the post could not even get beyound $2
photo below

and in addition, the steem price and sbd price where very low then and some they have to keep up with other offline stuffs for them to keep up with life.

but now that they are now enjoying what they worked for, the minnows now feel cheated and are asking for upvote as if its a birth right, i have always told minnows and i would continue telling tha

your vote isnt your voice currently on steemit but your comment goes a vey long way of making you a potential whale

Reading through your post gave me hope. I was scared of steemit at first because I don't know if I will accepted, if I will be welcomed but here I am still trying to be seen or even heard. There're nights I just feel like this is it am done with steemit but I have that hope that one day I will be seen and heard. Here is one of my challange.

I'm having a hard time finding health professionals here on the platform...where is everyone hiding?! Where are the doctors, nurses, pharmacist! Any suggestions of people to follow would be greatly appreciated. :D
Also, any health professional who stumble upon this and have ben apart of the community for more than a few months...I'd love some insight into how this community works and what I should focus on to engage the health community here.

I know one doctor type person, @nedspeaks, he is a very nice person, like you he was struggling a few months back, and has found his niche I think. Take a look at his page, he does a lot of health related information, but he seems to be in a bit of a busy period, as I do not see his post as frequently as I used to. Just a busy guy, but a nice one.

thank you so much @bashadow. this really helped me a great deal. Gracias! i just followed you

We just view Steemit as a place to take notes while doing research, publish the notes, and hope that someone ELSE appreciates them more than just ourself. For that reason, it's pretty cool.
Getting a little scratch is just the thank you at the end.

Our next post will be on Raiblocks, it's a VERY interesting crypto which allows each account to have their own entire blockchain. It's not without risks tho, and that's why we're looking into it to see if it can succeed where others are failing (like long transaction wait times, and high mining fees). Check out our blog or follow us to read our research if you're interested in a stock analyst's professional take on cryptos.

Thanks for reminde and give us a better hope,We know how to work,But some time we forget it and we need a reminder with good example,Thanks for that(@cryptoctopus)!We need to give more time and more better if we want to get big success and your examples are too much for us.Steam is moving us upwards.Thanks for the articles.@cryptoctopus

I stopped trying to become a success on Steemit for a while now and see him for what he really is
; a social experiment based on a business model.
Although I do not like the great resemblance to the outside world, being the one with the most votes, I love the opportunity to be here. Without Steem, I would not have been introduced to everyone in Blockchain, something that will keep me going with the rest of my life, advocating what it means to the world.

Do not forget to mention that it's going to make me a millionaire;)😎😎

Please check the this post i made it for u

@cryptoctopus 2018 va a ser un año loco para Steemit, con especulaciones de precios de $ 100 por año.

I completely agree with you, my friend and some people come to the Steemit in order to quickly earn money and enjoy life, after which they start issuing posts with accusations that they are not noticed and in general everything is bad, but they did not even think that at the beginning ways need a lot and work hard, create decent content, acquire followers, etc. I'm in the Steemit for half a year already and I know what I'm talking about! You are right, do not listen to the screamers about the instant improvement of the ecosystem, you just need to take and create this ecosystem with your own hands every day. Those participants who passed this thorny path, could do it and achieved success! Thank you @cryptoctopus

That indeed is very encouraging!! Hearty congratulations to all these people for all the hard work and effort they put in!! #resteem ur pst @cryptoctopus

I understand where you are driving at sir. But sometimes, the reputation matters! Most whales do not read contents of post with low reputation and most of us do write good stuffs, even more than the ones with high reputation.
I'm glad you did this post, seriously it shows you appreciate consistency and hardwork and you have minnows in mind. Thank you @cryptoctopus

gracias por la información, buen vídeo

Sincerely, one of the keys to making it on steemit is consistency. Rome was not built in a day so, one shouldnt expect all the goodies to roll in at once

good things take time

I hope one day you (or someone else) would make a post like this and my name will be included in the testimonies.

Awesome post!

I think that has to be a great motivation for everyone. First of all must be consistency and quality of work. Many people come here and do some stolen quote post hoping to earn thousands of dollars.But there is no free money here. Everyone eventually gets what one deserves.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you, this is one of the support you give us plankton for success. Thanks .. best regards from plankton who want to success @arfah

@cryptoctopus You are right, I agree with you.
That is that everybody just saw on one side only so that meraka is too easy to give up.

nice steem post sir

As a newbie i have really come to love this platform. Initially I came for the money when i joined in late december 2017. Now i am all in for the community. I have learnt so much in just under a month of being active here. I hope to follow in the footsteps of these minnows and draw inspiration and motivation from their perseverance.

I am new in steemit but am impressed from all the posts I following and voting people's who are hard work
I request u all please give me some tips and follow me
Thanks all

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Account Value of $20,000, I could do that in one day. Just whip out the Credit Card and buy some Steem. Those numbers are meaningless unless you know how much of their own real money they put into those accounts.

Thanks for sharing this awesome post. It sure going to help newbies in steemit not to relent

You are right about this. Some new users really get kinda frustrated when they try to carve out a niche for them selves by being very creative in whatever they do in here only to get little rewards for their hard work. In same vain, some might not even to do much but get good rewards. Anyway, perseverance is what we all need in this platform.

I hope to make this list one day, i believe the system will work for me if i work hard and smart, thanks for this encouragement

We hear same in the real life and also on STEEM. Think about a famous singer or a football player. People think like "he plays a match only for 90 minutes and get paid millions of dollars. It's unfair" He plays on a TV commercial for only 15 seconds and gets paid couple million dollars. Easy to judge, easy to cry :) Do you even have an idea of what did he do to become a star? How much did he work? How many haters he has?
I'm sure people see some posts containing a picture and 2-3 sentences and got paid like 100$ and comparing with their posts and say this is unfair.
Nope he is here for 5 months and you have no idea how many hours did he spend to make so many people follow him.
Don't cry, just try :)

Patience, perseverance and consistency is the key to making it big in anything you do.. And steemit is not excluded.. steemit is not a get rich immediately scheme.. It's a project, it's a development.
Thank you @cryptoctopus for these words of advice. For me. It's an inspiration.
Someday, my name will be up there tooo.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi crypto.. Amazing and infrmative suggestions.. I ll cheq all three success stories and ll look at their travel at steemit.. I am doing it before by visiting successful pplz blogs and the way of their working.. You said an amazing thing that we should do what successful minnows do.. Love your words.. God bless you.. Resteem it for keeping it as memorable suggestion

i agree with you

I am a big fan of yours @cryptoctopus

This was a great read and gave me a lot of motivation to continue and to strive for success on steemit!

It is unfair but like anything in life if you don't work at it and do your best to be the best nothing much will happen.

Thank you for the Support and the Article!

I think Steemit is still at an early stage , it has a lot of potential to grow exponentially , all steemians will grow with steem . It is a mutual relationship .Fb's mcap is more than 500 B , but we know that Steemit is better than Fb and it's mcap is only around 1-2B . Imagine how much steem will grow ! We got everything we need here on steemit . News , gags , dtube , steemchat . I hope it will grow more in coming years !

New steemians should not get discouraged , a little struggle will reward them in future .

          I don't know how many of the other commenters read all the comments or the vast majority of them. Between your post, and the comments, it took me about an hour and a half to read.
          I was guilty of being the new guy, and like any new guy at a new job, thought I new better than the guys that had been working there for years, then I became one of the guys that had been working there for years and had to deal with the new guys and the unfairness of it all, and why don't we do it this way. No one when they are new to something take any time (Guilty as I charge myself), to think of why things work, why it is successful, and/or even why they joined. All they know is they think they can make it better before understanding how it all works.
          Absolutely wonderful post, and some of the comments the same.

THAT!!! That's what most of us minnows have been looking for since the beginning; Motivation! Thanks mate.

@cryptoctopus, there is no such thing in life as "luck" or getting "lucky". Everything has to do with the attitude with which we chose to tackle any task. Whether we decide it will be difficult or easy, then it will be so! I started 4 months ago and decided not to get involved in all the hype and negativity and I am slowly but surely building a solid foundation, and this is how all should start off. People seek instant gratification and the sooner they learn that this is not what its about the better.
There are those begging for upvotes and resteems, I ignore them. There seem to be a lot of people who feel entitled, but they need to learn to take responsibly for the lives and actions, but then its always easier to blame others for our own shortcomings. I sincerely believe with perseverance and good content every one can earn nicely on this platform, but its up to each individual to make that choice for themselves. Some people get ahead faster than others, and that's ok too, we are not all the same and we all walk the same path at a different pace. Thanks for sharing the info, as always very insightful.

I dont know if you will notice this comment of mine but i want to thank you for your post.it motivate me a lot to continue my journey here in steemit platform.take care and God bless!!

To quote Dire Straights, you can’t just get your money for nothing and your chicks for free. Great read and inspirational post. Just persevere

I'm still a little confused by steemit, but it's ok as I'm not really looking to make a fortune here. I live in China and facebook and all the major sites are blocked and require a VPN but steemit works fine and it has a lot of stuff I'm intersted in! Being from England it's an awesome site for me to browse around :D

Well that's a great motivational article for minnows... I joined steemit 45 days... In start I faced some difficulty in getting audience for my posts... But steemit helped me a lot in grooming my blogging techniques.. Though I am still facing some difficulties in getting upvotes and viewers but its much better than before.. Thanks for this motivational article.. After reading this article I am really motivated to do some extra ordinary contributions in steemit....

Thanks for the encouragement, true, perseverance really pays, like @surpassinggoogle should say

being present is just what you may need

People want quick money but it doesn't work like that, the have to build it

Wow! $4,000 a month is awesome! :)

Most of those people didn't see results for a few months after joining the platform.

Going through the same phase, but the good thing is I got to know some great people here. And it is easier for me to search for the quality content at this platform. Good to see your post, and thanks for the motivation and for the success stories you have shared.... You're awesome :)

Hi @cryptoctopus, the minnows on Steemit platform must unite or they will perish.
Building a Steemit group around a passion.

What a great Post. People love to claim "this is unfair or that is unfair" but that is just an excuse to not try.

Blaming the unfair system for your own failure or taking it as excuse is folly. It IS possible for talented people to thrive here. My account is worth 3000 USD after 2 months and I'm doing that in my free time, after all.

But acknowledging a unfair system an not trying to change it - at least a little - is not much better.

We want to be more than FB, twitter &co. If we want to have the highest quality of content here, we will have to make sure it is properly rewarded. And that means necessarily to take steps against reward pool raping and also tackling the distribution of power (not necessarily the distribution of wealth).

How often I see these posts from the big players like yourself about "perseverance and persistence".... Just preaching to the choir over here.

Wont stop, can't stop.

I only make about $0.10 a post, but I continue to keep posting. All original. Plus I interact with all y'all who "care". As long as some crazy world ending event doesn't happen, I can see myself still working hard on this platform in months if not years.

Steem baby, Steem.

Thanks for the motivating text! Also, that is such a great idea to showcase fellow minnows. I am checking out the profiles! I love projects that come straight from the heart and what @dontstopmenow is doing in Venezuela is pretty cool :)

I joined in January 2018. Typing that made me giggle.

When I saw the place, looked around a day, and decided to give it a year. And by give it I don't mean lay back and see, I'm not that type. I'm in.

So. I didn't come here to change things, or to bitch about the rules, I come to play the cards as dealt. Give me a set of rules and let me see what I can do. That's all I ask. Fact of the matter is I'm already really tired of hearing "It's Not Fair". Fair is in September and it's a place you can go. IF YOU CAN PLAY BY THE RULES.

I am a minnow, but I think that Steemit is fair enough. All depends on our content and our relation with other Steemians. Everyone can be rewarded, but it takes a bit of time. Sometimes you are lucky and hit the Jackpot from the first day.
If you have a special talent or original content, you get more followers who want to see what you can offer.
I enjoyed reading you post and is really nice to see many minnows who made it in a short time.
Thank you for sharing!

Well spoken! I was thinking I miss the Steemit train 🚂

The day I will be celebrating my 3 month writing anniversary in steemit approaches and my experience in those days tells me to not stop trying giving your best, but only if you are having fun in the process
I have made wonderful friends, and I have learned a lot, from posts that earned so little as a couple of cents.
If you would like to read my personal approach, you may do so here but at the end, the conclusion is ...

Just Be Water my Friends .. Keep Flowing

and enjoy it!

believing that we can make a system that doesn't create a pareto distribution is foolishness.

True. Steemit is just like in real life. There are rich and their are poor. We all move up in the end as long as we participate in the game. So are ahead of others before we are even born and that is apart of life. In the end it is what you make of it for what you have. I know I am going to be on steemit daily. Like the old saying, "Nothing worth doing is meant to be easy." Prospering in steemit for most will take some effort. How much am I willing to put in? As much as I can. ;) thanks.

Of course everyone can't be wildly successful here, just like everyone can't be wildly successful in any other area of life. There will always be those that work hard and longer and smarter and have a bigger impact.

One key to that is the passion these growing minnows had for the Steemit platform.

I would add that even if you are not making a living, if you are making anything at all it is more than you would make posting to a WordPress blog (assuming the same mediocre content). This is the position I am in. It is almost inevitable that when you attempt to "make things fair" you end up creating a system that is less beneficial for all.

This is not to say that I believe Steemit is without problems. Obviously creating a larger community would be ideal, and as it is currently set up it is not going to happen. Owen Benjamin said, "crypto is like gold for people that are autistic." He is a comedian so nobody get your panties in a bunch, and he was actually using them to represent people smart enough to wrap their minds around it. He also said that even though he does not understand it he is involved. Not unlike myself.

I do understand that when you hear the words or the implication that something "is not fair" it is a red flag.

When we see others make it and we can't, we start pointing fingers (he's richer, he's got better gear/more time/fancy school etc) but we don't look in the mirror and ask ourselves what are we doing wrong. We just poin fingers and quit. Those who succeed are those who persevere so why mess with a system that rewards those who persevere. Want to earn more? WOrk harder learn and stop complaining and pointing fingers

Its encouraging! I used to think steemit is kind of unfair as people who join steemit earlier tend to be successful EASIER. This is probably true to a certain extent. But on second thought, i have definitely overlooked the efforts they put into steemit all these while. I believe perseverance is one of the key thing to succeed, not just in steemit, but almost everything in lives!

A great post with lots of information that was much needed for a newbie like me.thank you @cryptoctopus for your insights

A minnow could make this same post and no one would so much as give him/her a second glance. It's hard to be consistent when nobody encourages you but that's when you are to be your biggest fan.

The problem of "fairness" on Steemit should be more about abuse restrictions than what people get as results. But that is another discussion.

The main point of your article, wich i agree with, is that to play the game well, you must learn how the game works.

Lots of people complain that they write good quality posts that get no attention, but they don't spend time on the other part of the game.

Good posts is only a part of Steemit. Curation, adding valeu to the platform, understanding trends, networking, are some of the other parts.

You can't focus on only one. You need to understand the system to be successfull around here.

wah that's right, it's real, do not think it can be like this, thank you for the information

yes you are right
your video is really informative
Excellent post good analyses thanks for sharing

I couldn't careless about making "Money" from Steemit. I am happy to have a place where I can speak my mind without getting banned because I am not PC enough.
I have an opinion on just about everything and I am more than happy to tell people what it is, unfortunately leftist will do mean things to you just because they don't like your words. First of which is to shut you down so no one can hear you speak and if they can't do that they will go after you in your personal life. Regardless of my opinion of Crypto-currencies, I appreciate Steemit and feel that it is providing a real service to people and I hope it continues.

I really enjoy your posts. The issue is with us, mostly the newbies. I noticed things minions are willing to do, I’m thinking “really” I’m speechless. We are willing to loose our identity just because of a few cents. I guess, its in our genes, we do same staff other people do without paying attention to what’s wrong and what’s right. I can’t imagine how It would look like if we didn’t have any electricity, if people didn’t have a food... what would we be willing to do just to put a food on the table if there was a shortage.

ur write up is very ok

I agree with what your saying, everybody has to start somewhere , and that's at the bottom. Altho most of us don't stand much of a chance at getting noticed for a long time like the you 3 mentioned, perseverence is the key. Chipping away little at a time can still have a modest impact and growth over time. Considering Steemit has so much further to grow, the possibilities are endless. Most who come and go a fast as they do, do not see the big picture for the future. We live in a world where instant gratification is required or they loses interest and leave, it's really not how the world works. I don't plan on being a steemit superstar but doesn't mean I can't have fun and connect with other users and earn a little doing it. The system is unfair yes, so is the rest of life. You can't fully correct that without taking away the idea of a decentralized environment.

do what those who are climbing on that distribution does.

That. Exactly that. Instead of whining do what the successful people do.

Your article has caused me to rethink the whole concept of crypto. I still do not think it will ever work as a currency(too volatile)
My first experience in Crypto was when my computer got hacked and held for ransom. The criminals wanted to be paid in Bit Coin. So I have a negative attitude about crypto right off the bat and all that I have read and seen since have only made me believe that it is nothing more than a Ponzi Scheme fad based on greed that is doomed to eventual collapse.
Steem on the other hand may have some real value other than the greed of the HODL crowd. That being that it is tied to something real. That being Steemit.com.

Its a very helpfull post.Although i am new in steem it i am hoping for the best as a steemian.

Thank you for this post.. I joined june 16 2017. And I am also very happy what I achieved. But it will not come easy or for free..Hard work and involvement. I don't count the hours because that is ridiculous. And if you like it then hours don't count..