Why working at Wollman Rink (aka TRUMP RINK) at Central Park SUCKS! (Retail worker rant #4)

in minnowstowhales •  8 years ago 

I must say, I love reminiscing about all the crappy jobs I have had here on STEEMIT. One of the more interesting shit jobs I have had was as a Skate School package seller at Wollman Rink in Central Park (The ice-skating rink owned by our current President). Working there sucked fundmenatally for several reasons, and all the reasons are interesting because they are not realated to the actual work parse' more the goofy shenanigans that surrounded the job. Here is what I mean:

The shifts

Graveyard shift.png

My shift was like 4:30am to 11am! That wasnt so bad because I was in college BUT if you have ever been around Central Park at 4am you know you feel like if you walk through there you will be attacked and killed by a hidden coloney of mutant raccoons or worse. It is DARK and horror movie scary! In fact, I would run to where the rink was screaming and babbling to myself like a crazy man so that in case any really crazy dude sees me they think "I am not gonna mess with him, he is batshit!"



There was an old woman who would clean the place in and around the office, and she would be there before I even got there. That wouldnt have been a big deal, but whenever I had to pee she would have to clean the mens room. She didnt care! I would be standing at a urinal and she would be right next to me with no fucks given, cleaning the urinal next to me. It was rather uncomfortable. That went on the whole time I worked there.

Weallthy Cheap Customers


There is nothing quite like seeing someone bitching about the price of skating lessons when their handbag costs more than everything you have ever owned.

Racial segregations of workers


Almost immediately it became clear to me that the workers were largely racially segregated. Everyone (and I mean everyone) that worked in the back office was white and everyone who worked the front desk was either black or brown. That wouldnt have been a big deal to me, except only the back office was heated. Those of us in the front were always freezing and had to wear our jackets during our shift. They should have left the door open so the heat could reach us, but of course they never did.

Imasculation of male workers


For whatever reason I was one of only two men that worked the desk. The only other men that worked at the rink were mechanics, skate coaches, plumbers etc. So they would often make fun of us guys at the desk. The implication was that we were somehow less men because we were working "girl job." I didnt care what they thought, but it was just annoying to see their faces everyday.

Overall, working at Wollman Rink sucked in its own special way kinda like its owner lol

(and NO i am not a liberal or a Dem or a Rep or a conservative..... I am a capitalist)

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That's one crappy job. So far the worse I did was a cleaning company for industrial chemistry plants. Man it sucked wiping the paint and other poisonous materials off the assembly lines.