Check out Hacking Mental Performance with WipGirl Tuesdays on MSP Waves Radio

in minnowsupport •  7 years ago 

The show is shaping up to be to be a blast!

WipGirl will be diving into BALANCE, the attitude of SERVANT LEADERSHIP, and a HEALTH HACK: How to Deal with Pain.

Achieving balance can often seem like a far off concept.

This episode of Hacking Mental Performance will give you a whole new perspective on what balance actually means in your life.

Our discussion around BALANCE will lead us straight into a fun conversation about the service we bring to those around us.

When we have BALANCE in our sights, serving others can often become the next logical behavior.

But what does that actually look like in the form of “attitudes and behaviors” towards our coworkers, family, and friends? What does is really feel like to serve from this perspective?

WipGirl has been focused on BALANCE and SERVING for years. It’s amazing how we serve each other in our social media platforms, in our neighborhoods, in our cubicles and offices, and in some crazy - unlikely places, you will find people serving.

It’s through assisting and helping others that we begin to understand our true greatness. (Those are some fluffy words in the last sentence, and I can’t wait to discuss exactly what I’m talking about on a basic “day to day” level.)

The show will come to a close as we spend some time discussing a HEALTH HACK: How to Deal with Pain.

During this show, our listening audience will consist of many people who suffer with gastroparesis (WipGirl was born with this disease and has suffered through severe phases - several lasting upwards of 5 years. She called it the "never ending, excruciatingly painful…bad day".) Wip will be discussing pain....frankly. It’s part of life – some of us simply deal with more pain in our daily lives than others.

This show will give you insight and ideas for dealing with reoccurring pain in a way that shifts your “health frequency” and encourages healing and hope.

Pain is a reoccurring symptom that is common amongst the digestively challenged. WipGirl addresses it head on, and will have you questioning your pain in a way that affects your mind and body positively.

If you deal with pain or sickness on a regular basis, you’ll want to hear WipGirl’s entertaining and engaging perspective on living with a highly painful - rare, incurable disease.

As part of our HEALTH HACK, we will also be discussing the new 5G technology and how it could affect your health.

This show is packed full of information, and you don’t want to miss the discussion on the new technology that could pack a punch to our bodies and minds….oh, and as a byproduct, you will get to download your movies, music, and games a little faster. The cat is out of the proverbial bag and you need to know what this means for you if you have a health condition.

Hacking Mental Performance show times:

11am pacific
1pm eastern
6pm universal time

Hop into the Discord Chat room and ask questions during the show!

Sign up for the Discord app and find us on the PAL Network (Peace-Abundance-Liberty).

Here is the link to the #mspwaves-audience chat room:

What is WipGirl?

Woman Igniting Performance

It’s not what you do next week, it’s what you do in the next hour that can change your life.

Here’s to fine tuning our performance.

Wip Out!

Proud supporter of @minnowsupport and the PAL Discord server (Peace-Abundance-Liberty).

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You go @Wipgirl! Looking forwad to your show today! 😎