MSP Anti-Abuse Team Weekly Report #25

in minnowsupportproject •  7 years ago 


Anti-Abuse Team Weekly Report #25

Friday - February 23rd - 2018

Recent issues with RPC nodes being down nearly across the board, as well as immense traffic when our bot re-opens has meant we had some glitches in usability. We are looking at ways to mitigate and or offset some of the peak usage periods and help keep the bot running more often than it's asleep. Stay tuned.

The details of this weeks prune of the member-list -

  • 14267 Members before this week's prune was run. (1050 new accounts since last week)
  • 30 Day Prune has removed 305 dead accounts. (76 more were removed this Prune.)
  • This leaves our count at 13962 Members after the prune.
  • ~1300 Peak Concurrent users this week. (Down just a bit, but likely the people who only show up for the bot.)

Updated stats on Bans and Blacklist -

  • 2062 Discord bans (+164 new from previous)
  • 2345 accounts in total are now Blacklisted by @minnowsupport (+282 from previous!)

The Charts

Member count data over time:

This shows the trend of members gained over time. I use the number of users counted after each purge each week.


Blacklist Counts by Type:

This gives a breakdown of the major categories we list an account under in our Blacklist.


In summary:

Growth is holding, maybe slowing just a touch. Bans were right in line, but new Blacklist entries was quite healthy with more of the team stepping in to help find and add users who need to improve.

A quick review of things that get you blacklisted:

  • A single image or even multiple images, with very little text or only a basic bit of information with it.
  • An embedded YouTube or DTube video with zero additions to the post that provide value.
  • Attempting to gain multiple upvotes outside our 1 per 24 hour cool-down by any means.
  • Any major violation of our community guidelines and rules. (This usually has to do with treatment of other users on the platform.)

Not all of these result in a ban from Discord since we want you to learn and improve.

Check out this post for more information.

Growing pains are a good thing, no matter how much they hurt.

If you have any questions, please contact me on MSP or MSP-Probation

Thanks -


MSP Moderator, Sheriff and Anti-Abuse Team Leader

Proud Moderator and supporter of the Minnow Support Project - Brought to you by:





Police-style whale image is a modified version of the MSP Logo by @malicered
All images used fall under CCO License unless otherwise specified, or they are created by the author and released under the same license.

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Wow 305 dead accounts, do any of these numbers shock you?

Not really, I expect the number of dead accounts each week to fluctuate quite a bit as the numbers of people who might bail on the platform or our server can fluctuate.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Is there any stats on how many people are like active active, like other than just for the bot lol

Not currently. It's on my list, since eventually we will have almost everyone with at least 1 Role, which will prevent the Prune feature on Discord from touching them.

Okay okay i get the hint disco, yes ill be a mod for you ;)

We are not currently looking to fill any mod positions. :)

didnt wanna anyway :(

Que buen perfil.. Excelente el aporte que le das a la comunidad de @steemit Espero poder tener algun dia un #upvote de tu parte

Thanks for this informative article and a good Quote

great post dear @discordiant

Great info... !!!!

Help me
Iam not connet to PAL
