MSP Anti-Abuse Team Weekly Report #7

in minnowsupportproject •  7 years ago 


Anti-Abuse Team Weekly Report #7

Saturday - October 14th - 2017

Ok, I know I said I would release it on Friday. I ended up not quite recovered from what might have been the worst head-cold I have ever had. I am feeling better now, so here we go. Maybe I will just move this to Saturday anyways.

With the recent official release of the Rules and Guidelines for MSP/PALnet, I have officially taken on the role of Sheriff of the Minnow Support Project. This doesn't really change my role for the Anti-Abuse Team, it just means I am involved in all disciplinary actions taken on Discord and here on Steemit. The details of this are found in the rules and guidelines document posted by @minnowsupport. Click here for details.

As always, I am here to help maintain a fair and equal use of our programs. I am also now here to make sure that our community upholds the standards that have made it work so well already.

The details of this weeks prune of the member-list -

  • 4849 Members before this week's prune was run. (237 new accounts since last week)
  • 30 Day Prune has removed 184 dead accounts. (7 less were removed this Prune)
  • This leaves our count at 4665 Members after the prune.
  • ~450 Concurrent users online at 21:00 EST (Negligble change from previous)

Updated stats on Bans and Blacklist -

  • 845 Discord bans (+40 new from previous)
  • 488 accounts in total are now Blacklisted by @minnowsupport (+29 from previous)

In summary:

A fairly standard week as far as the statistics go. A couple of decent sized multi-account abusers were caught this week, and overall I am pleased with how this is going. My recent appointment as official Sheriff has presented some new challenges and responsibilities, but I am ready.

If you have any questions, please contact me on MSP or MSP-Probation

Thanks -


MSP Moderator, Sheriff and Anti-Abuse Team Leader

Proud Moderator and supporter of the Minnow Support Project - Brought to you by:





Police-style whale image is a modified version of the MSP Logo by @malicered
All images used fall under CCO License unless otherwise specified, or they are created by the author and released under the same license.

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this needed a comment. i support you 100%.