MSP Anti-Abuse Team Weekly Report #9

in minnowsupportproject •  7 years ago 


Anti-Abuse Team Weekly Report #9

Friday - November 3rd - 2017

Having missed last weeks update due to the holiday and my need to prepare for celebrations on last Saturday, I decided to let everything sit until this weekend.

This however means that the stats are going to be a bit skewed considering they include 2 weeks instead of 1. Keep that in mind when looking over these numbers.

The details of this weeks prune of the member-list -

  • 5086 Members before this week's prune was run. (404 new accounts since last week)
  • 30 Day Prune has removed 274 dead accounts. (143 more were removed this Prune)
  • This leaves our count at 4810 Members after the prune.
  • ~500 Concurrent users online at 17:00 EST (negligible change from previous)

Updated stats on Bans and Blacklist -

  • 946 Discord bans (+68 new from previous)
  • 531 accounts in total are now Blacklisted by @minnowsupport (+23 from previous)

In summary:

Looking at the numbers with an average per week instead of absolute value, they are right in line with what we have been experiencing so far. We are steadily increasing our over-all number and losing fewer and fewer each prune.

This is good news, as we have set a goal of 6k members soon. While my prunes make this number harder to reach, it means that when we reach it, it will mean all the more. Nobody likes empty numbers.

We keep growing, people keep trying to abuse our stuff, we keep stopping them.

If you have any questions, please contact me on MSP or MSP-Probation

Thanks -


MSP Moderator, Sheriff and Anti-Abuse Team Leader

Proud Moderator and supporter of the Minnow Support Project - Brought to you by:





Police-style whale image is a modified version of the MSP Logo by @malicered
All images used fall under CCO License unless otherwise specified, or they are created by the author and released under the same license.

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