Five Places With The Miracle of a Rare Natural Phenomenon

in miracle •  7 years ago 

~The Almost Boiling River in Peru

1 Sungai yang Airnya Hampir Mendidih di Peru.JPG

~The Phenomenon of lightning in the river Catatumbo Venezuela

fenomena-petir-di-sungai-Catatumbo venezuella.jpg

~Its Water Cave Can Turn Something into a Stone in the UK

Goa yang Airnya yang Dapat Mengubah Sesuatu Menjadi Batu di Inggris.jpg

~Lava blue crater ijen in Indonesia

lava-biru-kawah-ijen di indonesia.jpg

~Every spring comes this park is drowned by Air is located around the Forest and Mount Hochschwab Australia

Tiap Musim Semi Datang Taman ini Selalu Tenggelam Oleh Air terletak di sekeliling hutan dan gunung Hochschwab Australia.jpg

I hope this information is helpful. thank you

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