What Are Miracles?

in miracles •  2 years ago 

raditionally, miracles have been thought of as extraordinary events, happenings and healings that produce a sense of awe and wonder. They seem beyond human abilities. In this age of New Thought, miracles can realistically be understood as natural expressions of Unconditional Love. And, the best part is, everyone is capable of being a miracle worker. But, in order to do so, you have to change your mind about what constitutes a miracle.

I've always liked the line from A Course in Miracles which says, "The use of miracles as spectacles to induce belief is a misunderstanding of their purpose."

A miracle is actually Loving Light traveling outside of time. What the miracle appears like inside of the space-time continuum is not up to you. The form of the miracle will suit the highest good for all--and that may look very different than we might expect.

Your sincere intention to recognize your true purpose leads to your miracle-readiness. When you connect this intention with your Inner Teacher, or Higher Power, you become a conduit for Loving Light and its resultant Peace of Mind. This describes what a miracle is, truly.

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