Sleep ParalysissteemCreated with Sketch.

in miraclestoriescomp •  8 years ago  (edited)

First, let me start by saying that I am currently 46 years old. I was born in 1971. This was well before the internet and it made understanding anything more scientific next to impossible. Unless, of course, the information you were looking for was included in a volume of Britannica's encyclopedias or you had access to a well stocked public library in which you could access medical text books. 

The first time I remember having a sleep paralysis experience was when I was 12 years old. 

If you're not familiar with sleep paralysis, apparently it is a curious neurological process whereby the physical body becomes unable to move voluntarily. This can occur just as someone is about to fall asleep or just as they are waking up. When it occurs the person who is experiencing the phenomenon will be able to see and hear what's happening around them but they will not be able to move their body at all or, very well. They also won't be able to talk beyond a mere whisper.

Most people who experience these episodes report being aware of "a presence" in the room with them. The presence is never comforting. In fact, it is exactly the opposite and feels like you are being threatened or attacked because you are unable to move while the experience is occurring. An extreme sense of terror is often described.

Statistically, 60% of the general population will report experiencing some form of sleep paralysis during their lifetime, according to neurological medical studies. Scientists think this phenomenon has its roots in the temporoparietal cortex of the brain and it is linked to both "out of body" and "near death" experiences.

It is suggested that perhaps, neural wiring gets crossed in the brain, or goes a bit haywire.

My first episode involved a visit from 3 small grey creatures just as I was waking up one morning and about to get out of bed. I distinctly remember hearing multiple foot steps coming down the hall towards the room I was in, then not being able to move, but I could still see and hear. They stood at the foot of my bed, communicating amoungst themselves. It seemed like an eternity to me because I couldn't move my body and when I tried to scream for help, the only thing I could manage to generate was a whisper at best. Then they left and my ability to move returned. I immediately got up and got dresses. Later that morning, I told my father what happened. He told me not to be afraid, that my brain had just woken up before my body had.

Through my adolescence, I continued to have similar episodes. I always heard the footsteps coming towards me and it became an early warning sign that I was going to have a sleep paralysis experience.

The most terrifying episode that occurred happened when I was 18.

This experience was different in that I was alone in the house and I wasn't visited by small creatures or entities. This time it was one creature that was over six feet tall and I knew it wasn't human.

It physically restrained me, in the bed I was lying in, came around to my head and shoulder, bent down close to my face and laughed very sadistically.

To say I was terrified was an understatement. In my head, (because I was unable to scream or talk) I told "it" that it wasn't welcome and demanded that it leave me alone. 

It left and I immediately got dressed and started cleaning my house. I was really shaken-up by this particular experience and I thought that occupying my mind with housework would help to take my mind off of what had just happened. I tried to remind myself that this was my brain, but I couldn't shake the fear that I was feeling. 

I decided to do a load of laundry simultaneously among the other chores, that I was doing. I washed a load and then threw that load in the dryer while I was vacuuming and cleaning the kitchen.  When the dryer had stopped after about an hour, I took the clothes directly out of the dryer in my arms and carried the full load to my bed to start folding it. I immediately realized that some of the clothes weren't quite dry, so I scooped them back up off my bed and put them back in the dryer for another 20 minutes or so. 

After the dryer stopped for the second time, I did the exact same thing and took the clothes back to the surface of my bed so that I could fold them and put them in my dresser.

It was then, that I looked up and saw a "sock" completely evenly draped over the current rod above the window over the head of my bed.

"That's odd" I thought. "How would a sock end up completely balanced and draped over top of my curtain rod?"

I had to stand on the top of my bed to retrieve it, because I couldn't reach it.

A wave of fear instantly swept over me. The sock was still wet. It was one that I had just washed but it hadn't made it into the dryer for round two of drying. Its "dried" mate was lying on top of my bed, waiting to be paired and folded.

I had to leave my house because I didn't feel safe.

That night, I made an appointment with one of the elders at my childhood church. I had grown up with this congregation and thought surely they could offer some guidance.

Once I had re-counted this story, the response I received from the church representative was a question as to whether I had been drinking and was drunk. "Yeah, I thought, I routinely get up at 5:00 am, to get plastered so that I can go back to bed and hallucinate." That was the end of my relationship with organized religion.

The only entity that has the right to judge you, is you, yourself.

It took me twenty more years to learn that.

I continue to this day to experience bouts of sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming and out of body experiences. I am also an empath and in the last 12 years have realized that I now have very strong clairaudiance skills. I have used this skill to help others come to terms with and reconcile unresolved issues. 

On a personal note, I no longer fear these episodes and have learned to be very clear about what I will tolerate and what I won't.

The best piece of advice I can give anyone who may be experiencing sleep paralysis is to do your best not to focus on the fear of not being able to move, but instead to focus on breathing rhythmically or sing your favourite song in your head while it's happening.

(It's great to finally be able to easily access information about the science of this, now that studies are readily made available through the internet.) 

I know that this is a real "stretch of the mind" for many and my story is hard to believe.

The choice to believe or not is up to each person, individually. 

I can tell you (from my own experiences) that the light at the end of the tunnel does exist. To make the leap into another reality when the time presents, just follow the light that will be apparent to you at the end of the tunnel.

My motivation for sharing this information, is to help others.

I will do my best to respond to your comments and I invite you to follow me on my journey.

~ Rebecca Ryan



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Wow that's intense AF!

Yes. What you read is the condensed version. I once had an episode, when I was in my early 30's, and after it I was left with a strange series of red dots on my if the skin was bruised or punctured.
So, do I know that I am different?
Yeah. ;)

Are they still there or go away with time? Ever have a doctor give any insight as to what caused it or what it was exactly? I don't think I've ever had something like that then again my back is covered in a huge tattoo. Still trying to figure out how to load a good image of it to my profile pic.

Only stayed with me a few the skin had been bruised or punctured.
It had order to it. Lines made from a series of dots on my back. It didn't resemble insect bites and I noticed it after an episode. Who knows, who or what, but I have my suspicions about it.

That would be scary. I have also had similar moments when I was a teen living in Washago, maybe twice and it was a black goat. But yours happen so often.

Too many to count now @solarguy...I don't usually remember experiencing that much interaction. Normally any visitation I am aware of is just that I am been observed or studied, I guess I would say.
Since the internet, most research studies suggest that the experience of being visited is part of the phenomenon. The studies suggested that this is a fabrication of the mind because it cannot be explained.
If it is a result of abnormal brain activity then how can anyone explain the perfectly balanced hanging damp sock, over a curtain rod, positioned less than a foot away from the ceiling?
Anyone who has one of these episodes will report "how real" it feels to them and are usually able to recount specific details about "what" was present in the room with them.
Strange and true.

That would be unnerving, alright, with the sock moved like that. I used to be scared by nightmares, but then I realized that, for me, it just meant that my body was telling me to wake up and go to the bathroom. After that, I was appreciative of them. And it was nice to go back to sleep. Brains are mysterious and complicated things! Thanks for sharing your experiences!

Brains sure are @haphazard-hstead.
I can buy that the phenomenon is a fabrication of the mind with the cause being abnormal brain activity. However, to this day, I cannot explain away the perfectly balanced damp sock draped over the curtain rod which was positioned less than a foot away from the ceiling.

Thank you for sharing this piece as well as your resolve @rebeccaryan. It's so valuable that you shared with others we are sovereign expressions and creators of our own experiences. If ever our freedoms are being threatened or our free will challenged, restricted or denied this is an important distinction and I see that as a terrible crime. Parasites who study, feed on and manipulate our experience are struggling to exist as the light increases on this plane. That is my innerstanding so far, I have no other proof other than my own meditations.

Any that seek to break the code of universal free tend to do so through trickery or deception for us to give away our power. Very I rarely hear of ones being challenged directly, these tricks like your sock are imo already infringements of universal law. However it's my be life they can only gain access though our allowing. By our feeding into any external attempt to reach into the 3D realm through coercing our intention, vibration and manifestation.

May I offer that you are especially attractive because of your empathic and clairaudience skills. Ones like yourself may often be targeted because of your wider band of consciousness reaching beyond the perceivable physical realm. By exercising ourselves as the word and applying ourselves fully as in-body creator consciousness. I've found waking up to this has been a powerful self defense knowing when dealing with any experiences on the fringe of our physical 5 senses.

Having done a fair bit of dream work myself, more so with healing my own night terrors and ptsd. I came full circle to awakening to lucid dreaming as a healing modality. Becoming aware of dream state consciousness and further to experience what has thankfully always been benevolent and positive communications with what I can recall as fully aware contacts.

These experiences opened my previously skeptical mind to the possibility of extra terrestrial intelligence, off planet and inter-dimensional travel. Then years later at a meditation group in California I met a man named Steven Greer. He is famous for his work with the disclosure project and described to me his CE5 contact protocol, which turns out to be very similar to my dream state experiences.

To me this was a huge and yet seemingly random connection of dots and confirmed that there is much out there beyond our 5 physical senses. That we have been purposely tuned out and turned off with heavy metal poisoning and detoxification of many major parts of our brains. The government clearly knows much more about advanced extra terrestrial life and has been abusing the assistance of those of non-physical to achieve their desires and be expressed in this realm. I for one absolutely be life in your contact experiences as well as feel you are aware you have much to share with our awakening collective.

If you haven't already known about him, please check our Dr. Greers work. He's a very approachable guy and does a lot of field work with his students. I was skeptical of most people connected with government and scientific circles however in my humble opinion he checks out. I am sure you will naturally use your own alignment in discerning his energy. I'm hopeful that someone with your knowledge and experience could at least find a way to connect with those who are dealing with contact and perhaps more serious abduction ptsd.

Please excuse my long commentary here, however it is not often I get to talk on this subject as so few are willing to be as open and honest as you. My willing is for you to find answers to all of your questions as well as be of a great service to others.


Thank you for taking a few minutes to comment @kenistyles! I really appreciate it. I am very familiar with Steven Greer. I do think there are warring factions that are fighting over our planet. We have resources that are sought after, including the ability to experience emotions and gold.
When I was an adolescent, I didn't understand....just knew that I was a little bit different....cared more than most youth would about plants, animals and the planet as a whole, (30 years ago before it was really talked about.) I could also "feel" what others were feeling and would be physically ill if I was exposed to evil or terror on television, for example. Today, I am a massage therapist (by profession) and have spent over 25 years working closely with people and their energies. I know now, that you must clearly define what you will allow and what you won't tolerate...I call that dialing in the frequency you want to interact with instead of playing energy roulette. Otherwise, it's like a bug zapper, drawing every entity (with their agendas) in proximity to a bright light. I have learned, over time how to do what we naturally all can do and that is to connect into the source of universal energy through the pineal gland. When we remember how to do this, then the body can be used as a transmitter and a receiver. It's been a journey, but I'm ready to help/ assist where and whenever I can. You are a beautiful light @kenistyles and I wish you and your family every happiness. :)

Thank you @rebeccaryan for sharing the blessing that you are and healing others from our illusion of separation. You are such a timely reminder. For me I didn't have much self awareness when I first learned to turn up my vibration and boom, just as you said a whole host of interesting characters showed up around me in many forms. This was during a pivotal time of awakening for me and I am thankful to say I chose a happy path that lead me away from the quagmire of different energetic agendas of Hollywood and porn valley.

I look forward to more of your writings, specifically any guidance you may offer the collective on how to navigate the energetic world and re-member their own power to send and receive from source. To be conscious co-creators of this experience and not fall foul of energetic vampires and host the intentions of those who feed on controlling our (chi) life source.

I agree that we are warring in and of our own awareness of our highest self, perhaps best described as our divinity. Absolutely there are those manifest outside of our known races who see us as the primary resource and our ability to be conscious in as well as out of the physical form is an attractive harvest.

If only more of us would be shown the value of our existence here and now. That we are literally the stars of our own show and are creating this world through our collective vibration.

In'lakech ala kin dearest new/old friend.
