Marriage brouhaha in the society's

in mistakes •  7 years ago 

Gone are the days when a man marry a lady and she becomes his companion, live together till death set them apart. Nowadays, things have changed , there's no more “for better” “for worse” again in the dictionaries of our modern ladies agenda. Why?
Nowadays , it is , “for good, better, best”. There's no more “for worse nor till death set us apart”.
This is a scenario experience which l encountered when l went out for personal evangelism in a rural area . I went to a village called Apete, which was about 10 miles away from the city of Ibadan. The villagers were farmers, so l went there in the evening where majority of them would have come home to rest after the hard sun shine. I did door to door visit and shared the gospel with them.
As l was moving from house to house, l saw a youngster sitting quietly in front of his house, and his age was probably ,about thirty-three years and above. Tears were rolling down from his eyes, depression and frustration have gulped all his entirely body. He was not in good mood at all. I stopped everything that l was doing , and went to see what was going on in his life. He did not even noticed how l manage to get near him. He had been carried away until when l torched his shoulder before revived back as human being not a robot. I asked him what was his problem, is there anything l can do or assist him to reduce his suffering?
I assumed to be the right person who can assist him out of the trauma he was passing through at that moment.
As an evangelist, l decided to use the saving soul method, which l was taught in the school “how to win soul for Christ”. But latter, it seems what l was discussing with this youngster does not changed his mood. The news about salvation of his soul and abundance grace, love, and peace of Christ Jesus that surpassed every thing does not have any effect to the situation. Instead, he looked into my eyeball and suddenly said;
Please evangelist, can l ask you a question? Immediately, l told him to do so. Ask anything that bothering your mind. Guess what he asked me; Why guys make mistakes when choosing a wife? I was speechless, l did not have answers to this question. It took me some time before responding to his question because it beyond quoting bible verses. Because he may not understand that God has designed it for a purpose in his life
Though that question helped me a lot to know the problem of marital crisis he was facing at that time. His house is on fire, and how do l quenched this fire. I sat beside him and explained the reasons why guys make mistakes in choosing wrongly when it comes to choosing a partner in life. The young man told me that his wife was asking for divorce and when he came back from the farm she had gone away from his house and carried along all her belongings , because things have changed from good to worst, before he was rich, and can provide for her but suddenly, things turned around that he could not able to take care of her needs again.
Oh! God, l have made mistakes in choosing the wrong woman of my life. Said the youngster, the day of our traditional weeding was full of joy and happiness. I was very glad and rejoiced, believing that l have got the best woman in my life , who will make me happy through my life. Now she had gone forever,
I told him not to worry about what had happened, it was just for a while, that there's no one who don’t make mistakes. Mistakes are bound to happen to anybody on this earth.
If you have never come across mistake, never rejoice. Do not count yourself as the best, but count yourself as failure. Do not count yourself as a saint, but count yourself as impure. When we do mistakes, we learn from what happened . Mistakes are important for success, it is a vital to the growth and development of our future.
Those who had made mistakes are not inferior but superior than others, because when they fall, they will rise again . They will bounced back and stand firm on their feet and never fall again. When they defeated once, they learn and come back victoriously and conquer
Later, after l have spoke for some time, he smiled, shaked his head and thanked God . Then he asked another question. He said: evangelist,
What if she did not come back to my house, what can l do? This is also a problematic question . I need God’s wisdom. Should l inform him to go ahead and marry another wife? That is against the word of God, however l responded quickly , always remember that Christ Jesus is there for you. Christ Jesus is the only one that can solved this problem at hand. What you need to do now is to believe in him. He knows what to do with your heart and the heart of your wife. Believed in him, trust him, he will tell you what to do when it is time. Are you ready for Christ Jesus? He said; yes! Then l prayed with him and commit him into God's hand and departed.
The question now is suppose you are in my shoes would you advice him to go ahead and marry another wife? Please write your opinions. ..

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Nice couple

Yes!, l know it is nice couple, but why guys choose wrongly in terms of life partner?