How a simple mistake can affect someone’s life

in mistakes •  7 years ago 

Hey! I have just started today in Steemit, and for my first post, I wanted to tell you how by a lady’s mistake, I have a complete different name.

My name is Jean Carlo (I’d rather be called just by Jean) and I’m Venezuelan, but my mom’s side family is Italian. So, my mom wanted to name me “Giancarlo” which I think is a pretty common Italian name, in fact, a cousin of hers is named like that.

Turns out my mom went with my father to register me in the civil register, and everything was going right. She gave the name and every other necessary information. After everything was done, my parents started to read the birth certificate and they were shook when they saw that this lady miss spelled the name.

I’m not sure if it was possible to fix that at the moment or the lady refused, but in the end I stayed with a name that wasn’t originally planned. It’s not a big deal I guess, I like my first name, but I think it would’ve been nice to have it like my mother wanted it.

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