I was using drugs drinking alcohol whenever I was not going for anything no mission no goals· I was doing just enough· I had more money on drugs than I did when I was clean focused and taking chances Whenever you are doing alcohol drugs your days are concerned with going out there and using these things rather than going out and taking risks and making challenges· To actually create new things and do new things that is where the excitement is Whenever you actually go out and do the thing that you want to do create something that you want to create
The drugs that I took I knew exactly what they were where they came I was taking in bottles Getting high because because I do not have anything to do I am the guy that was always high off life
Now, whenever I was not on drugs people thought I was on drugs I am so pumped and excited and ready for the next thing Drugs do not give that to you it is whenever you have vision it is wherever you have creativity it is wherever you have determination it is wherever you have a mission to go towards That, was whenever I was most happy
I am able to have the wisdom of looking back on life To have the experience to actually get knowledge of where I want to go I can appreciate all of the things that have happened in my life I realize this getting high concept e.g smoking the weed etc, as idling
In this world, there is so much to do Why ask your time to smoke weed? why not do something that challenges you something that actually gives you a physical or a mental challenge you know you want a metal challenge you wanna play Sudoku or whatever I do not play those games you want a real mental challenge? Go run a business That'll give you a mental challenge of a lifetime you want a physical challenge? Go jump out of a fucking plane see how you feel after that you want to be calm and cool in uncomfortable situations Go and jump out of a plane! Do your workout every single day challenge and progress every single day That is going to give you a difference in your mindset and your body
Guide your energies those substances are distractions you do not need any type of fucking drugs Go and live life· you will be high off life itself you will be high off the excitement Whenever you see me and I am looking around I have got vision I know where I want to go you are busy cuz you know you have to get the next thing done Get the mission that you are on done you are going towards that destination
Let me tell you again, alcohol drugs any of that is not going to be the part that gets you the result The part that gets you the result is the the continuous challenges that you go on day in and day out till you get to that point.