Introduction to Scratch Programming

in mitmedialab •  7 years ago  (edited)

Good day everyone, Today i will be talking to us about Scratch Programming. Some of you might have an idea of it but i believe it will be very useful to everyone. feel free to ask questions for more clarifications.

Are you interested in learning how to program your computer? Interested in Computer Science? Interested in the connections between computing, Computer Science, and Mathematics? Or maybe you just want to create some computer games? If so, this course is designed for you. Using the Scratch programming environment, I'll show you how to start building interesting programs in just 15 minutes. And if you give me a few hours, I'll teach you the general skills and principles you need to be successful in just about every major programming language. Scratch makes programming fun and intuitive, yet is extensible and powerful enough to support general computation. Learn Scratch, and you'll learn much more than just creating games!

Scratch is a free application, developed by the MIT Media Lab, which allows users to create and share their own interactive stories, animations and games. It is easier to use than traditional programming languages as it consists of graphical blocks which snap together. Scratch is an up-and-coming introductory programming language. Developed by students at MIT, Scratch allows users to create web animations, games, and interactive stories, all without a single line of code. Originally intended for kids ages 8–16, Scratch's web-based platform is ideal for educators who want to incorporate programming in the classroom, and adult students who want to learn a visual language before progressing to code.

Boat Race
Introduction You are going to learn how to make a game, in which you’ll use the mouse to navigate a boat to a desert island.

Step 1: Getting started Activity Checklist
Open the ‘Boat Race’ Scratch project online at or download from and then open if you are using the offline editor.
The project includes a boat sprite and a course backdrop with:
Wood that your boat has to avoid; A desert island that your boat has to get to.
scratch pic.jpg

Step 2: Controlling the boat Activity Checklist
You are going to control the boat with your mouse. Add this code to your boat:
when clicked point in direction 0▼ go to x: -190 y: -150 forever point towards mouse-pointer ▼ move 1 steps
Test out your boat, by clicking the flag and moving the mouse. Does the boat sail towards the mouse?
scratch pic.jpg
Note: There is currently a bug in Scratch which means your boat may not move towards the mouse pointer. If this happens, click the arrow on the point towards block and re-select ‘mouse-pointer’.
What happens if the boat reaches the mouse pointer?
To stop this happening, you’ll need to add an if block to your code, so that the boat only moves if it is more than 5 pixels away from the mouse.
Test out your boat again, to check whether the problem has been fixed.
Save your project
scratch pic.jpg
Step 3: Crashing! Your boat can sail through the wooden barriers! Let’s fix that.
Activity Checklist
You’ll need 2 costumes for your boat, one normal costume, and one for when the boat crashes. Duplicate your boat costume, and name them ‘normal’ and ‘hit’.
Click on your ‘hit’ costume, and choose the ‘Select’ tool to grab bits of the boat and move and rotate them around. Make your boat look as if it’s crashed.
Add this code to your boat, inside the forever loop, so that it crashes when it touches any brown wooden bits:
scratch pic.jpg
Save your project
Challenge: Winning!
Can you add another if statement to your boat’s code, so that the player wins when they get to the desert island?
When the boat gets to the yellow desert island, it should say ‘YEAH!’ and then the game should stop. You’ll need to use this code:
This code is inside the forever loop, so that your code keeps checking if the boat has crashed.
if touching color ? then switch costume to hit ▼ say Noooooo! for 1 sec s switch costume to normal ▼ point in direction 0▼ go to x: -215 y: -160
You should also make sure that your boat always starts looking like it’s ‘normal’.
Now if you try to sail through a wooden barrier, you should see that your boat crashes and moves back to the start.
scratch pic.jpg
Save your project
Challenge: Sound effects
Can you add sound effects to your game, for when the boat crashes, or reaches the island at the end. You could even add background music (see the previous ‘Rock Band’ project if you need help with this).
Save your project

Step 4: Time Trial Let’s add a timer to your game, so that the player has to get to the desert island as fast as possible.
say YEAH! for 1 sec s stop all ▼

Activity Checklist
Add a new variable called time to your stage. You can also change the display of your new variable. If you need help, have a look at the ‘Ghostbusters’ project.
Add this code to your stage, so that the timer counts up until the boat reaches the desert island:
when clicked set to 0 time ▼ forever wait 0.1 secs change by 0.1 time ▼
That’s it! Test out your game and see how quickly you can get to the desert island!
Save your project
scratch pic.jpg
Step 5: Obstacles and power-ups This game is far too easy - let’s add things to make it more interesting.
Activity Checklist
First let’s add some ‘boosts’ to your game, which will speed up the boat. Edit your stage backdrop and add in some white booster arrows.
You can now add some code to your boat’s forever loop, so that it

moves 3 extra steps when touching a white booster.
if touching color ? then move 3 steps
You can also add in a spinning gate, which your boat has to avoid. Add in a new sprite called ‘gate’, which looks like this:
Make sure that the colour of the gate is the same as the other wooden barriers.
Set the center of the gate sprite.
Add code to your gate, to make it spin slowly forever .
Save your project
scratch pic.jpg
Challenge: More obstacles!
Can you add more obstacles to your game? Here are some ideas:
Test out your game. You should now have a spinning gate that you must avoid.
You could add green slime to your backdrop, which slows the player down when they touch it. You can use a wait block to do this:
wait 0.01 secs
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These blocks may help you:
If your new object isn’t brown, you’ll need to add to your boat code:
Save your project
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Challenge: More boats!
You could add a moving object, like a log or a shark!
move 1 steps if on edge, bounce
if touching color ? or touching ? then shark ▼
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Can you turn your game into a race between 2 players?
…and replace it with code to control the boat using the arrow keys.
This is the code you’ll need to move the boat forward:
Duplicate the boat, rename it ‘Player 2’ and change its colour.
Change Player 2’s starting position, by changing this code:
go to x: -190 y: -150
Delete the code that uses the mouse to control the boat:
scratch pic.jpg
You’ll also need code to turn the boat when the left and right arrow keys are pressed.
Save your project
Challenge: More levels!
Can you create additional backdrops, and allow the player to choose between levels?
Save your project
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I hope you can now see that you too can create a simple animation game using Scratch. Kids love playing with and Adults too. if you need more explanantion feel free to contact me.

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