Different mixed currency operation schemes

in mixed •  4 years ago 

Mixed currency online wallet

It is practical to use existing online wallets to implement the mixed currency mode, because there is actually a great intersection between online wallets and mixed currencies. For example, they all act as an intermediary to make payments between different parties, but One of the functions of mixed currency is that it needs to make the transaction between the two parties chaotic, not so one-to-one, so the pure online wallet still has certain defects, and the online wallet will also save some records: it is used to match your deposit And extraction, once these records are stolen or analyzed, there will be a greater threat;
Special currency mixing service

Unlike online wallets, a dedicated currency mixing service can ensure that no records are kept, and it does not require your identity verification. You don’t even need a username or other alias to use this service. You only need to send bitcoins to the address provided by the currency mixing service, and tell the transaction service provider the address you need to reach for the Bitcoin that you send. The currency mixing service provides The merchant will help you transfer the same amount of bitcoin (not the bitcoin you sent).
In essence, this is an interchange.
Another difference is that the special mixed currency does not support the storage of bitcoins, so you need to trust it and believe that he will transfer the bitcoins to you rather than to others;
In fact, there is a very dark term, that is money laundering. You can imagine whether the process of money laundering is exactly the same as this one.

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