MMD with original Vroid Characters

in mmd •  2 years ago 

MMD with my original Vroid Characters

MMD: Silent night by TVXQ - YouTube

MMD: Pictures at an Exhibition - Ballet of the Unhatched Chickens 組曲「展覧会の絵」卵の殻をつけた雛の踊り - YouTube

MMD: Wu Ji - The Untamed OST (BREGAFUNK ver.) - YouTube

MMD: 陳情令(The Untamed)藍忘機のキャラソン「不忘」(Bu Wang) by WangYibo 王一博 - YouTube

MMD: baloons by TVXQ (無感覚的干渉性完全制御装置 motion) - YouTube

MMD: Big Revolution by JaeJoong (original model ver.) - YouTube

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