Together with MNMN in the kitchen to welcome baby food "donut chocalate red bean almonds" favorite of the "Japanese cats machine" do! The shell is soft but spongy with brown eyes. Biting into the inner core, the taste of red beans is delicious, sweet, with a bit of fatty almonds. Is not it great?
Dried red beans (soaked in water) / Fresh red beans 100g
Road 1 / 2M
Almond slices 30g
Fresh cream (whipped) 100g
Decorated: strawberry, basil, mint
Pastry Pastry Pastry is made from Ajinomoto
M: Tablespoon - m: spoonful of coffee
Red bean cooked on a soft cooker, down to the first, mixed with 1 / 2M sugar and then on the stove with 4M water for the bean paste and tan sugar.
Almond pie roasted yellow, when the red beans cooled, then the almonds to mix well.
Mix choco pancake with water: 140ml water with 200g flour.
Make chocolate donuts: Put non-stick pan on the stove, put the pan on the wet towel to cool the pan and then back to the kitchen, reduce the fire, use the powder dump in the middle of the pan, Wait for the cake to come up, the cake surface is floating small bubbles, fried the bread, then use plastic to turn the cake back, fried 30 seconds for the cake to ripen, get out. Continue to fry until the flour is gone.HOW TO USE:
Add the red bean paste to the sandwich between the two choco donuts. Decorated with fresh whipped cream, strawberries and basil.
Outward remittance
Red beans are not so smoothly to eat when still feel the bean pieces.