Mob Mentality

in mob •  7 years ago 

Some people are very prone to embrace a mob mentality, yet claim to be tolerant and compassionate. They are oblivious to the collective persona of a crowd, and worse later pretend that other people don’t recognize it for what it is: a bunch of smug conceited bullies acting all giddy, yet they expect sympathy or respect? Pardon my insensitivity(i’ll try to balance that out later) but the lamestream stereotypical public have earned the title of Sheeple, I assume it has always been this way. Not that I don’t appreciate all the large and small everyday actions-the nuance jobs we do individually that brought humanity to this point, philosophizing isn’t for everyone. What’s disappointing is that a general lack of understanding, patience, empathy and self awareness can lead a group of people to disregard mutual communication and instead quickly devolve into tribalism, a bunch of chanting spoiled children. No wonder mass media doesn’t bother subliminalizing half their propaganda anymore.

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