RE: JSECOIN AMA Are you releasing a mobile app?

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JSECOIN AMA Are you releasing a mobile app?

in mobileapp •  7 years ago 

Thanks for promoting JSEcoin. It's a nicely written review. Our bounty program is coming soon, so keep an eye out and ensure you register content to earn some additional JSE

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Can I get bounty for that text when the bountyhunt start? Or only new text produced after the starting day. When do the bountyhunt start?

The bounty will only be valid for content posted once the campaign is live.

And one more question. I have three computers at my room. Can I have 3 accounts - and plattformmining with all three? Same IP-number but three different divices.

Users are limited to mine in 1 account. There are restrictions on the lottery system that mean there is no benefit to running multiple accounts, and rewards would simply be split between these accounts. For example if you mined approximately 60 JSE tokens in 24 hours on one device, if you had 3 running at the same time you would expect to earn roughly 20 JSE on each. Therefore you would simply be using excess electricity for the same result. We want to give users a fair chance of earning rewards and not for the system to become dominated by those with access to the most devices.

Sounds good. Maybe you can write a blogtext about the different between you and coinhive or similar services. Good Luck !