The build continues

in model •  2 years ago 

It has been a while

The life of a teen has girls at the top of his priority list. She requires a lot of attention and time. But the build must go on.


Several weekends have come and gone and the thumbs of a teen wear out the gorilla glass, typing away on 'was-ap' - the two have been dating for almost five months but have been prevented from seeing each other for fear of the Rona. What does that have to do with our '69 Boss 302?

Simple. A teen boy cannot concentrate on a car that will never take him to see his one true love! The mind is occupied with thoughts of days at the park with her some many months ago.


Today we are back on it though. I am no longer the mechanic but the helper instead. Painting intricate tiny car parts so they can be assembled, finding numbered parts so they can be installed in the correct order.

Focus is our only enemy today. The smart phone calls, and the girlfriend beckons. The paint brush drops onto the used target tarp...

What color was the radiator cowling supposed to be?


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