Modorrs Develops a Blockchain-Driven Gaming Framework to Earn Crypto

in modorr •  7 years ago  (edited)


Each successful technology usually brings significant benefits not only to the area it was designed for but in side-directions as well. Improvement of gaming sector may be listed among positive side effects of blockchain technologies. The area is full of fans and it is evident that everyone would like to bite a piece of cake. However, centralized systems are still connected with a row of difficulties and threads. Modorr represents a decentralized platform, that offers a number of opportunities for its players.

Key features

This blockchain-driven platform operates with smart contracts. Only token holder can become an advisor at the platform. Mordor players to have deeper emotions from the game can soon enjoy the following set of functions:

  • Community environment where gamers and developers can talk to each other.
  • Referral platform where one can invite friends and get commission payments.
  • Special wallets for digital savings.
  • No limits for turning tokens into FIAT currencies.
  • To have fair and secure gaming all the users are offered Ethereum blockchain.
  • MDR tokens for safety transactions.
  • Principles of work

    Two-game platform shares information about the games with the developers. Creators of new staff can also add players to play and rate. However, an obligatory condition is that both developers and gamers should have Modorr tokens. The latter one will be a must for either game developing or updates making. Final approval about new games “publishing” rest with top players to decide.

    Each gamer gets Modi, which is a part of a token, to their wallets when scores the points. In case of loss non-won Modi are gathered to community bank where the total sum is weekly played out among token holders.

    Good news for inveterate gamblers is that not only winners are to be paid but also those who spend more time for playing. In other words, hobby can be turned into a way to get some brad.

    An option to convert tokens into fiat currency is available for all platform users.

    Partnership with Bancor Network

    The partnership with Bancor Network has been recently announced. Bancor is a decentralized liquidity network, which main function is to convert blockchain-based Smart Tokens.

    Modorr will certainly benefit from this cooperation as MDR Token will be operated with Ethereum on ERC20-standard and its conversion can be performed with the help of penny-plain web app. With its new technology, the Connector, tnew price formula and constant liquidity will be calculated for all compatible tokens and there will be no need for the parties’ coordination.

    Davide Saville is sure that it will become a great step to make Modorr better. It is very important for the game, because these technologies allow to make tokens even more valuable and all parties of the project can rely on significantly better services.

    Become a developer - earn with Modorr

    It is quite profitable to be a developer for Modorr as after each game the coders receive a certain amount of Modi. The founders see the environment development simple and joyful for everyone who can create games.

    Generally, the platform altogether with the idea seems to provide all necessary information with great possibility of success. But any gambling is a certain percent of risk and thus everyone should be careful when spends his or her savings. However, the resource can be estimated as highly advantageous as all the participants will have some profit.



    This review by Bonanza Kreep is all opinion and analysis, not investment advice.

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