Can Mold Be Cleaned from Bathroom Shower Grout?

in mold •  7 years ago 

Yes, mold can absolutely be removed from the grout in a shower. It is all a matter of what solution you use.

Most people will use bleach...

....and that's not a bad thing in this situation.

But one of the the biggest misconceptions is that bleach kills mold and this just not true.

So why do I say it's not a bad thing?

Because although bleach does not kill mold it will take out the appearance of mold.

What I recommend is a process that we call the Vinebleach Papertowel Method to remove mold from the bathroom. 

You will need 6 different items


2. White Distilled Vinegar

3. Rubber Gloves

4. A Cup

5. A straw or spoon

6. paper towels

You will then pour 1/2 a cup of white distilled vinegar and about a quarter cup of bleach into the cup and mix it well for 30 seconds.

Then with the rubber gloves on, dip a rolled up papertowl into the solution and apply it to the area in the shower that has mold.

Let it sit there for 4-6 hours and wa la!

Your grout should be much cleaner!

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