From the Monday Steem Desk, September 11th, 2017: 9/11 - Crocodile Tears and Nationalism / Trying to Love Each Other in a People Farm Ain't Easy / Wisdom from Leo Tolstoy.

in mondaysteemdesk •  7 years ago  (edited)


What's up, homies. We back!

This IS the Monday Steem Desk for September 11th, 2017, coming at you once again from Tully's Coffee, Toyanogata, in beautiful Niigata City, Japan.

Who's this guy? Oh, right! That's the guy that George Bush said orchestrated the terror attacks on September 11th. Here he is in an American news paper being praised as a hero. What in the fuck is actually going on here?


It's already September 11th here in the land of the rising sun, and as much as I am not really inclined to bring up this topic, I think it's important. The events of September 11th, 2001, were a game changer. The indelible image of those two towers being struck by airplanes would become the go-to excuse and "justification" for endless war, privacy-violating legislation, legalized molestation by the TSA, militarized police on the streets, and countless other injustices--to be used by politicians and other statist thugs and figureheads whenever they wanted to implement some violence-based government plan over the next decades.

The official story still doesn't add up to anyone with a brain and five minutes of research time (or a lick of common sense), but the events "justified" by this suspect atrocity rage on--endless war in the Middle East, natural law rights being stripped away systematically, and a gag-worthy brand of meathead nationalism that now, unlike the older brand (a la Thomas Jefferson) praises blind obedience, disarmament, and stupidity as virtues.

The cops are loving this shit, too, as pretty much anyone can now be a "terror suspect" (this is especially true of Japanese law, now, also thanks to 9/11!) and be detained, roughed up, or stolen from at will, all in the name of "public safety," "protection," and "the greater good."

In the end, what matters not is the details of the conspiracy and arguing about all that. What matters is knowing THAT THE EVENT WAS USED TO JUSTIFY MAKING YOU EVEN MORE OF A PATHETIC SLAVE AND PRISONER. While the politicians cry their bullshit tears and continue to blow infants to bloody, gory bits, you remain a slave.

NEVER FORGET: The state will do anything and everything, including killing innocent individuals, to get you to go along with their bullshit narratives.

3,000 lives up in smoke. Eh, fuck it. We need a reason to go to war with Iraq, a country entirely unrelated to these attacks. The retard public won't be able to tell the difference. Just make them afraid, and they'll go along with anything.

Trying to Love Each Other on the Animal Farm.

Debt. Stress. Job. Taxes. Mandatory invasive medical procedures. Speeding tickets. Cops trying to catch you eating a burger and driving so they can take your money. Licenses. Red tape. Police brutality. Fear-gore-porn news alerts: GERMS! WARFARE! DEATH! PESTILENCE! HATE HATE HATE!!!!!

Run, rabbit run
Dig that hole, forget the sun
And when at last the work is done
Don't sit down, it's time to dig another one

The state has made it nearly impossible for us to enjoy our lives. They want you afraid, mistrustful, and stressed the fuck out. Then they want to "save" you from the hell they plunged you into, by putting you into more debt, if you're "lucky." A cage, if you're not.

I was thinking just the other day, after a misunderstanding with some friends over a trivial matter, just how critical love is. Just how crucial understanding and compassion are to our survival here in the hamster wheel, on the debt-slave farm. These things are so important, especially in our current fearful, uncertain, and anxiety-ridden culture, which attempts to revere the state as the ultimate god, whose rapacious hands must be constantly filled by we, the dirty and tired livestock. It's no wonder we snap at each other. It's no wonder there is vitriol, hatred, murder, and folks willing to go to war.

You know, nature and natural disasters cause people to die. We accept that as part of life. Why add an extraneous, murderous cancer called "the government" on top of an already uncertain existence? At least nature isn't killing knowingly. I could deal with unavoidable nature coming to my door, but a fucking pig cop, to kill me for a plant? Fuck that. What disgusts me is the state. Adding an air of fear where there needs be none. Life is meant to be enjoyed. FUCK THESE CANCEROUS PLAGUE!!!! GODDAMN THE PARASITE STATE. TURN OFF THE FUCKING TV AND DISOBEY THE STATE. DO YOUR THING.

Finally, some words from Leo Tolstoy.


Come at me bro. Prove old Leo wrong.

Well, folks, that's it for today, VJ LIVE! is on tomorrow night, talking MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way)! Show announcement to come soon. Don't miss it! Hope you all have a great week!



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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If everyone would take a step back and drop the emotional bias they would see it for what it was. But hey, real terror or govt. Orchestrated scheming, there is one undeniable fact, it has been capitalized upon to advance the power of the state, through and through. Nationalism being given a saddle and taken for a ride over a cliff. Here's the connundrum, we are fighting terrorists to "protect our freedoms", when they strike us we give up our freedoms, what the hell did we just do? 9/11 the beginning of the end of individual sovereignty. The state-corporate-scientific-government is in total control, 9/11 was a milestone victory for the technocratic model, if we let this beast metastize further it will completely consume our very souls by overriding our conscious with forced behaviour, forced medication, forced living conditions, forced education, forced labor. Our lives become nothing but a resouce, a human resouce, used for nothing but the empowerment of the state, which is held and controlled by a minority of people, insanity.

Our lives become nothing but a resouce, a human resouce, used for nothing but the empowerment of the state, which is held and controlled by a minority of people, insanity.

Well said. I wish it weren't true, but we are indeed viewed as livestock.

appreciate you trying to push the positive as we continue basking in our free-range panopticon prison lol....!

it's a shame how long this War on terror has been allowed to continue.. some men who fought in it over a decade ago now have their children fighting in the same BS war and for what?.. poppy fields?

Haha. Thanks. Yeah. That shit about the sons of the first soldiers deployed now going over there is pretty fucking pathetic.

Those Towers coming down always seemed like a controlled demolition. After watching more videos and investigations in this topic. Just look at Tower 7, it couldn't be more obvious.

The government will do anything to control their sheep into their bidding. Yes, you are a slave to fill the pockets of the Elite.

In 1996 I was still a child. I stood on the World Trade Center's roof. The one with the big antenna, still have pictures somewhere lying around. When standing on the roof, it felt like you could actually feel the building move with the Wind. I remember my uncle lifting me up and make me look down, he said look an airplane landing on the water. I kind of s*** myself and started shaking rapidly, saying with a shaky voice, yeah I can see it. My God, those buildings were incredibly tall. Now, they are no longer. Cause other people their greed, not to mention the amount of lives taken. Also including the lives from the wars that followed, It disgusts me.

It disgusts me as well. I was in the towers in 1997 as a child myself. Never went to the roof, though. Have you seen "Man On Wire," the documentary of a French tightrope waker who illegally performed a tightrope walk across the span of the two buildings from the roof? It's quite a beautiful film.

Yeah, already seen it. Felt emotionally attached, because I have a direct and personal memory, about New York and the Twin Towers. I'm not from America by the way. Netherlands a dutchie.

Well said. nature kill people without knowing...but if the machine of man called government do it or take our right to live will be uncontroll.

That was touching thank you for sharing it with us Good story

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
– George Bernard Shaw

That is why we have a hard time to get rid of powerful governments.

Love it when u start talking about topics like this though xD
For far too long fear has been in charge, it's time for love and unity to take over! And I believe a decentralized blockchain is gonna help us achieve this goal :)

Man, I sure as hell hope so. Thanks.

Wow! friend very impressive post, yes we all are dancing accordingly with the hands of some monsters called government .From time immemorial, people have been, generally the innocent people becoming the pray with the hands of state. As if they are the creator of humanity, but at least you people are doing great job by creating awareness among people about the true behavior of system. Thanks for the the great work, wish you a great day.

Great post! I tried to understand as much as I could.. because the post is not easy going to understand for me friend! Don't take it wrongly.. I will again read your article in my break.. Have a nice day...

reality of life with touching expertise keep posting more .

thank you for your information friend

Lovely painting!

thank for share

Top level shitpost sir.

Interesting. In what sense is this a shitpost to your thinking?

I love you! this falls right in line with what I just wrote right now! I will follow you and upvote you until my fingers turn blue my good sir. I love you. Namaste

Thanks For Sharing..:-)
I am new on steemit, Keep it Up !
( Best Of Luck )