Monero (XMR) Daily Market Report - 24th September, 2018

in monero •  6 years ago 

Today's daily update for the steem and steemit communities


September 24th, Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Monero (XMR) Token Price

$114.662688 USD (-6.01%)
0.01770252 BTC (-2.92%)

Monero (XMR) Market Cap

$1,884,501,055 USD
290,944 BTC

Monero (XMR) Volume (24h)

$34,260,688 USD
5,289 BTC

Monero (XMR) Volume (24h) - Breakdown per Market
#SourcePairVolume (24h)PriceVolume (%)
1Bithumb BithumbXMR/KRW$8,904,939$114.9725.54%
2HitBTC HitBTCXMR/BTC$4,887,377$114.6014.02%
3Binance BinanceXMR/BTC$4,635,392$114.6213.29%
4HitBTC HitBTCXMR/USDT$3,186,699$114.729.14%
5Bitfinex BitfinexXMR/USD$2,746,324$114.567.88%
6Kraken KrakenXMR/USD$1,288,644$114.263.70%
7Poloniex PoloniexXMR/BTC$980,231$114.472.81%
8Bitfinex BitfinexXMR/BTC$809,090$114.492.32%
9Instant Bitex Instant BitexXMR/BTC$718,524$112.702.06%
10Kraken KrakenXMR/EUR$713,654$114.752.05%

* Price Excluded
** Volume Excluded
*** Price/Volume Excluded - Outlier Detected
Data provided by coinmarketcap

Monero (XMR) Supply

Circulating Supply: 16,435,172 XMR
Total Supply: 16,435,172 XMR

Monero (XMR) Ranking

CoinMarketCap = 10
WorldCoinIndex = 9

Monero (XMR) Charts
1 Day

 1 Day Monero chart

7 Days

 7 Days Monero chart

30 Days

 30 Days Monero chart
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