in monetha •  8 years ago  (edited)


Bildschirmfoto 2017-08-31 um 09.01.16.png

Just LOST 2 ETH on this FAKE PAGE !

Bildschirmfoto 2017-08-31 um 08.57.29.png

It's on Google right on Top, but if you klick it, this Web Address shows up!

Its a SCAM !!!

The Original looks like this:

Bildschirmfoto 2017-08-31 um 08.59.54.png

Please Resteem as much as you can !!!

This is the Scammers Address:

Bildschirmfoto 2017-08-31 um 09.50.12.png

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Resteem ...
Sorry to hear that @elyaque

Thanks for sharing !
ICO, hum hum!!!


Sorry bro, but atleast your not the guy that sent in 200ETH.... o.O

Que explorador usaste?... Definitivamente no hay que hacer click en ningun anuncio de google, ya van varios que entran paginas fake dandole click al primer link que aparece en la busqueda, y siempre esos links de primero son pagados, cualquiera puede pagar a google para aparecer allí, hace días lei sobre un usuario que entró a bittrex por ahi y le robaron 3 BTC, hay que estar muy pilas!!...
Ya ando paranoico, ahora entro a las paginas tipeando el link yo mismo...

Google Chrome

Thanks for sharing

thanks alot for warning us!

Good jop...i like @elyaque

thanks for sharing with us you lost. upvoted

what the..
sorry to hear..

Resteemed. Can't stand scammers! Surprised that it shows up in the top of Google's results!

These things are really disgusting

Thanks for sharing.. I resteem this.


Upvoted and Resteemed sorry for that :(!

That sucks.... sorry to hear that happened to you.

Wtf. Really?

Get a job, assholes.If you're good enough to pull something like that off, you're good enough to do something productive and probably make more money doing it.


Esta semana voy a Margarita para un negocio, que posiblemente estará ligado a un proyecto para Steemit (Venezuela), sería de agrado poder contactarte.

ok, avisame

Hoy salgo de viaje, por dónde puedo contactarte?

digitel 3569612

Thanks a lot!! From now we will be safe

Thank you for the heads up. It really sucks; I too lost some bitcoin to a virus on block,happens when u are pasting a bitcoin address to send bitcoin to. Suddenly the bitcoin address u are pasting changes to the scammers. This has happened on coinbase too. Therefore before sending bitcoin just double or triple check the receiving address.

That is very sad to hear about this scam :(

Sorry about those 2 ETH. but man, whoever's done that definitively got their google adwords money back. $140k so far and money keeps going in.

thanks for saving me for the scam but i feel sad for you @elyaque how can i help you
Upvoted and Resteemed

sure resteemed! sorry about your lost!!

oh shit it's too bad to hear that you lost 2 ETH, thanks for sharing this information with us.

Resteemed, this info need to be spread more.

Ouch :s

oh shit. Damn that sucks dude.
I don't know why we have c*nts like this who just want to ruin peoples day.
Thank you for letting us know @elyaque
Hopefully this will stop some people getting scammed

first scammers tried with bittrex page same like this now with this :(
This is a huge loss

Thanks for the information..will resteemed surely..

Damn idiot scammer,sorry to hear that my friend @elyaque

Ok will resteem. Thanks for advice.

Thanks for the Scam warning @elyaque. We must always be very careful .

Thanks for the information @Elyaque, going to the bench and entering your login and password, you can lose everything!

It's ridiculous that Google allows these type of scams to advertise on their search engine platform. This is not the first scam that I have seen. It's all about money. As long as you pay them money, they don't care.

Nice heads up! Thank you!

bad news -sorry to hear about your loss

Great topic @elyaque
Thanks for sharing


I'm sorry about your loss

thanks for warining us
shared & resteemed

Shit man!!!

Sorry to hear about your loss :(

Thanks for posting the look of the original website for others to know the difference!

thanks for letting us know... resteemed

the icos. are the sensation of this 2017. and obviously the thieves will come to take advantage!!

I hate all those scam shit latly. Everywhere i read about people getting fucked.

Thanks for informing us @elyaque.

that's very helpful post!!
thank you sir...

Damn man, that sucks. Appreciate you getting the word out!

Good for you to expose this scam...will save us lots of trouble in trying to identify one.

I'm resteem

This post received a 2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @elyaque! For more information, click here!

Resteem ...
Sorry to hear that @elyaque

Ooh sad to know that but tnx for giving that scammers name and links. I guess we have lesson to learn here, before we do transactions we must first read the reviews and check it if that ICO is legit. And there's a lot of them u can read some tips from @acidyo post to be aware of things like this. Steem on

Yo these guys are coining it bloody thieves

Thanks for share.