This write-up teaches you on how you can make money with your junk emails. Some may be asking what junk mail means. Junk mail is defined or explained by dictionary as
'unwanted or unsolicited advertising or promotional material received through the mail or by email.'
But I put it this way as an unsolicited mail that is sent to your inbox
for the purpose of making advertisement or for promoting items or error in sending. I limit it to email because this lesson looks at E-mail only. This does not mean that other junk mails apart from email can not be monetized. In order to make money with your junk emails, the flowing should be done;
You must have an E-mail address by signing up to either Yahoomail, Gmail, Zoho Mail,, GMX, Fastmail, Hushmail and others.
It is advisable that you subscribe to three or four E-mail providers, this will increase the number of junk mails you will receive.
Search for companies that pay for receiving junk emails. Any search engine can be used, google, yahoo and others.
You must look for conditions of each company to know the best condition . Some pay after receiving for two weeks while some do not. This is one of the reasons you must understand the conditions specified by each company before taking decision to engage with that company.
You must have a means of receiving the money. Some of the companies needs a Paypal account which is easy for them to pay you. This is another vital reason you need to ascertain their condition.
If one company does not suit you, you keep searching till you get the company that suit your condition. Of course there are a good number of companies to subscribe.
Once you sign up to those companies, keep terms with them, and you get paid.